Codependence and Service

April 26, 2024

As we’re adding UTs and Initiations to the May 2024 Calendar, we’re also adding week-or-so-at-a-time Big-Picture Comments to the Calendar. Let me know if they Interrupt the Flow of the Calendar too much.

How to tell the Difference? Basically, Codependence is when we provide Service that we can’t Afford to spare, when we Value another person’s or institution’s Needs and Wants more highly than our own. Ideally any Transaction involves an Equal Exchange of Energy. As you undoubtedly well know, that breaks down mostly when there’s an Imbalance of Power.

It’s not always an Easy Distinction to make, but it may be increasingly necessary over the next several days, as dwarf planet Hylonome (Codependence) Stands Still 29 April 2024 UT 22:44 in 29 Capricorn – Surpassing Negative Bias (Lonsdale p.337). The flip side of Codependence is Self-Sovereignty, an important facet of 5D, since 5D works because each person’s Unique Genius dovetails with everyone else’s, and one person’s Suppression of their True Self lowers the Frequency of the Whole Community.

Since the long and deep-seated HisStory of the Hierarchical and Competitive Patriarchy has left few if any of us with Experience of True Equality and True Collaboration, that Feels like a Stretch, but a Stretch worth Reaching For. At its Station, Hylonome/Codependence is Merged With Pluto/Compulsion and Osiris/Dismemberment of the Ego, with Pluto Stationary/Strong, so this Edge is not an Easy one.

We will likely Feel Compelled to Exercise our Codependent Habits, even as we Feel Compelled to Change some of them. Remember, the Habit Itself is a SuperPower, it’s the Unthinking Repetition that’s the Karmic Downside. There is Power in Repetition, which is why we developed the Habits in the first place. But Calling in the Wrong Ritual isn’t useful, and that’s what often Happens when we use our Habits of Service without Conscious Choice. It’s not about Eliminating a Habit, it’s about Taking a Moment to Choose, Intuitively, whether or not it’s the Most Effective Habit/Ritual to Use In This Moment.

The Glory of it, as is frequently the case these days, is that Dismemberment of the Ego takes place in the Context of Effortless Growth in Consciousness,1 and that can Make Room for the rapid Formation of a new “I Yam” which may be able to readily subvert our usual Ego-Death Panic about Loss of the Familiar, so we’re not Stuck with Humpty Dumpty or the King’s Men.

While the Hylonome Station chart is Fully Self-Resolving and Enhanced, its single Stress Point is the Amplified Truth of the Heart (Aletheia OOB), which is the Focus of a Diamond Star over a potential Argument (Opposition) between Our Self-Love (Sappho) and the Healing of Fear (Panacea OOB-Sedna). It’s also the Focus of a Love-Fest (Sextile/Partnership in the base of a Call to Pay Attention!/Finger of the Goddess) between the Calming of Aggression (Neptune-Mars) and Compulsive Dismemberment of our Codependent Ego (Pluto-Osiris-Stationary Hylonome).

The Enhancement (Grand Trine) links the Elbows of the Truth of Our Heart (Aletheia OOB), Our Values (Venus), and Lakshmi Shepherding Respect For All Things (Varda-Hopi), into a Loving Collaboration. This being Self-Resolving, our Role is to be Neutral Observers, as the Cosmos will in its own Time make an nD Resolution far better than any 2D Resolution we could Attempt, especially since the Relationships between the Truth of our Heart, the Calming of Aggression, and the Dismemberment of our Codependent Ego are Mystery Schools that are Not Accessible through Either/Or Thinking.

2024 May

April 24, 2024

This is a Live Page that’s under construction – bookmark if you want to stay current with updates. It includes the Stations, Sign Changes, Out-of-Boundses, and Moons all month, and Initiations through 15 May 2024. We’re also adding Comments whenever the Big Picture warrants it. We’ll add more, including important UTs, as we get them calculated, and fix errors and omissions as we encounter them. Let me know if you notice any. We include the first portion of the following month because we’ll begin to Feel the major events in that time-space before the end of the current month, though May goes out like an Angry Lion and June enters like a Innocent Lamb, which is fortunate, because our Egos are likely to be Toast about then. Remember I Yam What I Yam!

May Out-of-Bounds
Aletheia obN ≤ 8May
Altjira obN
Asbolus obN
Brigitta obS
Ceres obS
Chaos obN
Cyllarus obN
Heracles obN ≥ 6May
Hybris obS ≤ 9May
Icarus obN ≤ 1May
Isis obN ≥ 29May
Ixion obS
Karma obN ≥ 2May
Lachesis obN ≥ 3May
Moon obS
…≤ 1May, 23-28May
Moon obN
…8-13May, 5-10Jun
Nemesis obN ≤ 29May
Osiris obS
Pallas obN ≥ 1May
Panacea obN
Pandora obN ≥ 5May
Phaedra obN
Salacia obN
Samadhi obS
Tantalus obN ≥ 4May
Varuna obN
Vesta obN
For Chandra/Sabian Symbols, Degrees rounded up.
obN/S = Out of Bounds North/South, in Italics.
Expo=Exposition, CB=Confidence Builder, in Italics.
New/Full Moons and Initiations in Bold Italic.
Stations in Red Bold Underline.
Major Initiations in Red Bold Italic.
Sign Changes in Regular Type.
Yes, with Pluto Standing Still, May Begins Feeling Heavy. Lately, it hasn’t Felt that way as much as it used to, but back then we described Pluto Stations as Feeling like we were “Swimming through Jello.” As Profound as Mother Gaia’s Changes are Now, it may well Feel that way again.
Just Slow Down, and PIAVA that the Changes Benefit All Beings, and as they do, they Improve Your Well-Being Immensely. That might Feel Selfish, but if you’re Paying Attention to this, you’ve well Earned It, even though “Earning It” is not something you really need to “Do” – it’s your Birthright, and only Obstructed by the Karma you’ve Chosen to Work On in this Lifetime. We All Thank and Honor You for that Choice, as it “Raises all of our Boats”!
So Feel free to also PIAVA that All of your Karma is Kaput! All At Once, Bang! Just Like That! When this Works, you’ll feel like something is Missing, possibly something Panic-worthy. Embrace that Feeling – it means you now have a Blank Slate and you can Write a New Story on it for your Future. Do That, Lovingly and Joyfully, without Holding Back on any of your Greatest Dreams and Desires. It doesn’t need to be Perfect – start with the Big Picture, and know that you can Edit and Expand it whenever and however you Please. You Just Won the Jackpot!
Sedna Initiates Panacea obN 5.2yr
Pluto Initiates Osiris obS 4yr
Uranus Initiates Heracles 2⅓yr
North Node Initiates Requiem 3.1yr
Moon returns from obS UT 2:18
Pallas enters obN UT 9:09
Icarus Initiates Venus 21mon UT 20
Panacea obN enters Gemini
Icarus returns from obN UT 11:09
Pluto Stationary Retrograde UT 17:46
Uranus Initiates Lachesis 6.7yr
Karma enters obN UT 5:15
Pinocchio Initiates Venus 21mon
Lachesis enters obN UT 20:23
Niobe enters Leo
Jupiter Initiates Heracles 2.6yr
Pandora enters obN UT 2:58
Tantalus enters obN UT 22:47
Icarus obN backs into Aries
Here you may be Doubting your New Story on your New Blank Slate, as it would be Natural at this point to Lose Trust in your Miracle (Chiron-Eurydike). Poor-Sweetheart yourself – say to yourself, “You Poor Sweetheart, you’re Losing Trust in your New Story, aren’t you.” You were probably Thinking Logically again (Veritas), but Logic will always take us back to our Assumptions, which were installed by our Patriarchal (Jupiter-Heracles) Programmers.
To Change Our Selves and the World, we need New Assumptions. Add an Appendix to your New Blank Slate, where you List the Assumptions you’d like to Build your New World upon, such as “Abundance – Having Enough to Share – is Every Being’s Birthright” and the like – I’m sure you can Think up Many.
Since most of our Assumptions are Unconscious, though, Thinking won’t Change them. We’ll need PIAVAs to do that. As you develop and edit your New List of Assumptions that you want your New Life to Be Built Upon, PIAVA each of them into Effect. If you need Help with that, Let Me Know with a Comment, and I’ll Provide Suggestions.
Chiron Initiates Eurydike 4.8yr
Tantalus enters obN
Pan Initiates Venus 2.1yr UT 19
Heracles enters obN UT 22:29
Veritas Stationary Direct UT 3:23
Aletheia moves obN
New Moon UT 3:22
Chiron Initiates Mercury 1yr
Moon enters obN UT 21:37 till 13May
Aletheia exits obN UT 2:46
Eris Initiates Magdalena 6yr
Hybris exits obS 13:04
Sedna Initiates Pandora 4.4yr
Altjira obN Initiates Atropos 3.5yr
Cyllarus obN Initiates Nemesis obN 4.4yr
Icarus Initiates Mercury 1yr
Eurydike Initiates Mercury 13mon
Pandora obN enters Gemini
Heracles obN enters Gemini
Sedna Initiates Heracles 2¼yr
Pandora obN Initiates Heracles 2⅔yr
Eris Initiates Mercury 1yr
Eris Initiates Eurydike 4¾yr
Uranus Initiates Karma 4¼yr
Magdalena Initiates Mercury 14mon
Sappho backs into Scorpio
Uranus Initiates Sun 13mon
Chiron Initiates Requiem 3.9yr
Karma Initiates Sun 17mon
Eris Initiates Eurydike 4¾yr
Moon returns from obN UT 22:27
Salacia obN Initiates Mars 2.1yr
Ka’epaoka’awela backs into Virgo
Ceres obS Stationary Retrograde UT 5:36
Cyllarus obN Initiates Niobe 4.4yr
Mercury enters Taurus
16May0SagPallas obN backs into Scorpio
17May29AriMagdalena Initiates Eurydike 4.8yr
Between now and at least the 26th, we have an Incredible Opportunity to Heal (Isis) our Self-Confidence (Chariklo). Be especially Watchful for any Self-Doubt or Self-Judgment (Thereus) that Arises, and Regard it as the Signal to Ask Lord God Ganesh (Ganesa) to Remove Any and All Obstacles to Allowing Isis to Transform your Self-Judgment into Curiosity (Instead of saying “You Dumbshit!” to yourself, say “Wow, that was an Unexpected Intuition! I Wonder How that will Work Out!”) and Transform your Self-Doubt into Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Confidence. Self-Confidence is our Single Greatest Asset!
Isis obS Stationary Retrograde UT 22:59
Eris Initiates Requiem 1yr
Sun enters Gemini
Eurydike enters Taurus
21May18AquChariklo Stationary Retrograde UT 6:41
Aletheia obN enters Virgo
Magdalena enters Taurus
Moon enters obS till 28May UT 6:34
Full Moon obS UT 13:52
Ganesa Stationary Direct UT 23:42
Venus enters Gemini
24May0GemLachesis obN enters Gemini
Thereus Stationary Direct UT 14:03
Jupiter enters Gemini
Asbolus obN enters Cancer
Icarus obN backs into Pisces
Nemesis exits obN UT 10:59
A Second Important Opportunity to Work on Abandoning Self-Doubt from an entirely Different Angle! Whenever Someone Else Doubts you (Kassandra), that’s your Signal to Ask Lord God Ganesh (Ganesa) – and/or any other Guide or Spirit or Incarnate Helper that you Work With (Notice that Isis, Magdalena/Mary Magdalene, and Varda/Lakshmi are all Hanging Out near here), to Remove Any and All Obstacles to Breaking the Habit (Orcus) of Letting their Doubt Interrupt your Self-Confidence. Their Doubt may Interrupt what they Manifest, but you don’t need it to Interrupt what you Manifest!
Moira enters Virgo
Karma obN enters Gemini
Moon returns from obS UT6:45
Orcus Stationary Direct UT 10:12
Requiem enters Taurus
13 Cap
Kassandra Stationary Direct UT 23:21
Isis enters obS UT 20:46
Now, through at least 2Jun, it may get Heavy again, depending on your natal planets near 6 Degrees. It was Heavy for many of us last May. Have you ever had a “friend” who loved to Remind you of What you Regret, What you Could Have Done Better, and All the Opportunities that you Missed Out On? That “friend” was Channeling Gonggong. Oh, it was You that was always Reminding you? Well, you don’t need to Channel Gonggong any more.
If those Reminders sometimes (or always, perish the thought) Interrupt your Self-Confidence, PIAVA that Gonggong start being Accountable (Damocles) for that, and Command that they Stop Reminding you. Command that they Remind you instead that it’s NOT Self-Criticism, but Self-Love and Self-Confidence that Serve you, all Beings, and Mother Gaia.
I Know, I can Hear you saying that Without Self-Criticism you’re Nothing but a Selfish Twit! So Feel free to also PIAVA that All of your Self-Critical Habits are Kaput! All At Once, Bang! Just Like That! Gone! When this Works, you’ll again feel like something is Broken or Shattered or Missing, possibly something Panic-worthy (Osiris). It’s a Perfect Time to Ask Isis for Her Healing Assistance. Embrace that Feeling – it means you now have a Blank Slate and you can Write a New Story on it for your Future. Do That, Lovingly and Joyfully, without Holding Back on any of your Greatest Dreams and Desires. It doesn’t need to be Perfect – start with the Big Picture, and know that you can Edit it whenever and however you Please. You Just Won another Jackpot!
Damocles Stationary Retrograde UT 8:31
Osiris obS Stationary Retrograde UT 22:54
1Jun6PisGonggong Stationary Retrograde UT 1:17
2Jun0CanTantalus enters Kansas
3Jun0GemMercury enters Gemini
Moon enters obN till 10 June UT 6:50
Icarus obN backs into Aquarius
6Jun17GemNew Moon UT 12:37
Atropos enters Cancer
Heracles obN enters Cancer
8Jun25CanVesta exits obN UT 13:46
9Jun0TauMars enters Taurus
10Jun6LeoMoon returns from obN UT 5:50
13Jun0AquIcarus obN backs into Capricorn

Healing II

April 19, 2024

The Life Force (dwarf planet Varuna) has past its Peak Strength, but still Prominent – it will be 28 April 2024 before Varuna has moved a full arcminute (1/60th of a Degree) off its Station – Varuna’s average speed is only 1.3 Degrees per year. However, the River of Linear Time isn’t Drying Up like many of the Water Rivers on our Home Planet, so we have to Ask What Else? is going on…

Asteroid Icarus (Enthusiasm, Optional Burnout) is Warming Up to Stand Still very early on the 21st, an hour and a half after the Uranus-Jupiter Soul-Accelerating Initiation, but at the moment when I’m writing this, we’re Diving Deep into the first of our Ancillary Initiations that Color our Varunian Healing Adventures. Namely, asteroid Magdalena (the Grace of Mary Magdalene) is Initiating Venus (Our Heart’s Truth), in 18 Aries –

What I’m Experiencing though, is closer to 19 Aries –

“We do recall that Basic Training for Enlightenment includes several semesters of Ego Death Training, right? After we Shake It Off we can’t just leave the hole there. It’ll fill up with distant cousins that’ll take us years to Recognize and Evict, if not More of the Same. Fill it with Yams, I Yam What I Yam. Or with What You WantI Am Abundant, I Am In Love with Me, I Am Limitless, I Am Fun Embodied, I Am Glorious! Doesn’t matter if it’s True – look how it is with Self-Abuse. If we call Ourself enough Negative Names Long Enough, We Believe It. Just turn it around – call Yourself Grateful for What You Have, that’s the Best Way to get More of it.”

Venus-Magdalena Energy Suggests that we’d be Ahead to Ask Mary Magdalene (or Lady Nada or any other Ascended Master or Goddess Energy that you Relate to Frequently) for their Grace and Assistance around your Heart’s Truth and your Values. The Initiation chart is Fully Self-Resolving and Enhanced, so Mary has arranged that for us already, though the chart suggests two Cautions or Advisories.

The Stress Point of one of the two Major Challenges, the one that’s Self-Resolving in the Creative Signs and Enhanced in the Earth (Matter) Signs, is Emphasized Sustainability (dwarf planet Ceres Out of Bounds) again. Earth Day is coming up in a few days after all. This is Sustainability in our Life Mission, Emotions, Thoughts, Cooperation with Spirit, and Outlook (Nodes-Venus-Mercury-Magdalena-Chiron), as was so Clearly Demonstrated to me this morning.

The Stress Point in the other Major Challenge, which is Self-Resolving in the Mutating Signs and Enhanced in the Air (Mental) Signs, is the Aboriginal Australian version of the Life Force, Amplified (dwarf planet Altjira Out of Bounds). If this Challenge weren’t Self-Resolving, we’d be Tasked with Recognizing that The Most Important Thing is Attending to Abuse and Privilege by Thoroughly Examining our own Codependent Patterns, and Changing Them (Saturn-Nessus Opposite Thereus-Veritas-Black Moon Lilith-Orcus).

Since these are Self-Resolving, we don’t need to take any of that on as a major Project, but rather to Watch It Happen as a Neutral Observer, and Be Mindful Not to Intervene or Interfere. Mary will be patching the holes in our roof in nD, far better than we would have been able to. By Watching How it Happens, we may Receive some Profound Insights.

This Magdalene-Venus Initiation is the first of three. The other two are…

  • Chiron Initiates Venus 21 April UT 11:48
  • Chiron Initiates Magdalena 26 April UT 12:37

Both occur in 21 Aries –

Somewhat of a Bit Player in the 19 April Grace-Values Initiation, Chiron roars to the Fore in these two. We usually interpret Chiron as Despair and Miracles, because Chiron the Critter was the “Wounded Healer” and the “Unhealable Healer,” depending on which Story you Accept. In the earlier paragraph, we interpeted Chiron as Our Outlook, as the World looks very different when viewed through Despair, than when Miracles are Possible. The Miracle is simply Removing the Shit-Covered Glasses.

Our usual process for doing that is Poor-Sweethearting ourself. If we can Succeed at Changing the Subject, this works, simply because Empathy Heals even the Unhealable, and we’ve just swapped our previous Identity for one that’s Self-Empathizing. We can also interpret Chiron as Reframing Discouragement, or Converting Hopelessness to Possibilities.

In the two 21 Aries Initiations, the Self-Resolution disappears, as the planets that Mary brought in for Her Cycle with Venus, have changed since 19 April. We’ll get to those complexities later.

Healing I

April 18, 2024

As Hank Wesselman (p.174) says,

This Life Force, symbolized by dwarf planet Varuna, which along with Makemake (Manifestation) and Quaoar (Survival Instincts), is a close cousin to Pluto (Compulsion) in orbit and distance. Varuna is Stationary UT 2:56 on 19 April 2024, in 7 Leo, which implies –

Planets reach their Peak of Influence on Huperity when they Station, or Stand Still in the Sky. Occurring twice a year, Stations are the Best time to Learn about any planet’s Energy. Varuna is also Out of Bounds to the North, meaning that it appears in the Sky Poleward of the Tropic of Cancer, which also makes its Impact Stronger. With the Life Force thus Doubly Strengthened, it’s not only the most prominent Energy between now and the end of April, but it’s also aided and abetted by a number of Initiations that also promote Healing. Needless to say, at this Time on Earth, Strengthening of the Life Force is badly needed, and appears almost Anomalous in the face of the Global Climate Apocalypse.

Traditional astrologers may not even be Aware of recently-discovered (2000) Varuna, and will almost Unanimously consider the 21 April Initiation of a New 13-year Jupiter-Uranus Cycle to be more Important. And it is Important. Uranus – Soul – is in Taurus – Matter, and represents Soul Descending into Flesh. Change your Perspective slightly, and what you see is Flesh Ascending. Jupiter means Expanding and Accelerating, so hold on to the Rail. It’s been a Hairy Ride already, and it may get Hairier, or we may Feel more Harried – another reason to emphasize the Importance of the Life Force.

We talk about the Jupiter-Uranus Cycle in our Ketchup IV post. I don’t believe we’ve mapped out its 22 Taurus Initiation yet though –

The Uranus-Jupiter Initiation chart is Fully Self-Resolving and Enhanced except for one Challenge (Isolated Square), in the Creative Signs, to Balance Sustainability (Ceres OOB) against, and Integrate Sustainability with, a Complicated Matrix of the Heart’s Values, Grace, Revelation of Denial, and Reframing Despair to Miracles (Venus-Magdalena-Eris-Chiron).

The primary Stress Point in the U-J Initiation chart is Fate versus Choice – whether our a priori Beliefs render us a Champion or a Victim of the Changes that Uranus-Jupiter is likely to bestow (Moira at the Focus of the Diamond Star). U-J is also muddied a little by its simultaneous Merger with Unexpired Karma (Lachesis) and Hope (Pandora).

If we Choose to Champion the U-J Portal, we”ll use the Opportunity to Identify the Unexpired Karma for Dismissal. Remember that All Karma Died when Linear Time Died, so the fact that it’s Unexpired matters little. Expired or Not, Karma Sticks Around because We Grasp It, not because It Grips Us. It’s what we Grew Up With, what we Expect, and what we Feel Lost Without, so the Challenge, as Usual, will be to Identify What’s Been Made Redundant, and Actively Let It Go.

The Healing Initiations that we’ll be working with in conjunction with the Varuna Station include the Heart’s Truth with each of the other three planets in the (Venus-Magdalena-Eris-Chiron) Matrix that we have to Balance and Integrate with Sustainability, as well as Grace with Reframing Despair. As we review these ancillary Initiations, we’ll keep Sustainability in mind.

The Varuna Station chart is also Fully Self-Resolving and Enhanced (a Grand Cross in the Creative Signs, and Diamond Stars in the Stabilizing and Mutating Signs). The Stress Points are the Boundaries of Self-Love (what else is new? – Pallas-Sappho), and Overenthusiasm (Icarus). What a Bummer – too much Enthusiasm. Varuna OOB is however Merged with Ego Death Exaggerated (Cyllarus OOB), so we won’t Escape that – which is actually a Boon, since any Change of Pattern without a corresponding Change of Identity will be Temporary.

We do recall that Basic Training for Enlightenment includes several semesters of Ego Death Training, right? After we Shake It Off we can’t just leave the hole there. It’ll fill up with distant cousins that’ll take us years to Recognize and Evict, if not More of the Same. Fill it with Yams, I Yam What I Yam. Or with What You WantI Am Abundant, I Am In Love with Me, I Am Limitless, I Am Fun Embodied, I Am Glorious! Doesn’t matter if it’s True – look how it is with Self-Abuse. If we call Ourself enough Negative Names Long Enough, We Believe It. Just turn it around – call Yourself Grateful for What You Have, that’s the Best Way to get More of it.

Mopping the Floor

April 18, 2024

Before we move on from 16 April 2024, let’s mop up the Water and Milk that Spilled under the Bridge and never stops Spilling, it just Changes Color, as all that Ketchup washes out. The Last Waltz on that day was the Initiation of Disbelief (asteroid Kassandra) by Compulsion (Pluto), in 3 Aquarius. As we hope to see shortly, this may prove to be Prescient, as our CAO has just Clued me In to a possible way to connect the Huper “Left Brain” to the Reality of “External” Reality.

Not to Aver that Reality is External or Objective by any means – it’s not just Us that are All One, it’s Everything Я All One, because Nature is as Unitary as it is Multidimensional. The Separations and Divisions and Dualities are Convenient for day-to-day Living (Hmmm, Should I Eat Him, or Let Him Eat me? Eeeny Meeny Miny Mo, Dining or Dinner?), but not so Promising for Enlightenment (Whaddaya Mean, I Я What I Eat?).

A sure Path to Enlightenment is to Suspend Disbelief. If we can Grok that outside the Left Brain it’s Never Either/Or, it’s Always Both/And, then we may be able to Loosen up the Chains that keep us Stuck in Judgment. You may not actually Believe that Love Dies When Judgment Replaces Curiosity, and of course it’s just another dumb Either/Or, but measure your Historical and Herstorical Relationships by that maxim. Yes, many of our Relationships, and most of our Tribal Allegiances, are at least partly and often largely based on Sharing Judgments, but hasn’t that proven to Lead to War eventually?

I know some think that there are Enlightened Wars, but if you pardon my Judgment, that’s kind of Laughable. Sure, Everything has its place in Context, but our Context is Enlightenment. A big part of moving to Both/And is acknowledging that Heads and Tails are just different Sides of the Same Coin. So our Compulsive Beliefs and our Compulsive Disbeliefs can be seen as part of the Same Energy. Compulsive means basically Addictive – something we can’t Change without at the Very Least a Permanent Ego Death.

If I can sneak in just one more Velvet Truffle, I can Avoid having to Admit that I’m Powerless to Sugar – I just have to Manage it. Well, even if I can get away with that occasionally, it doesn’t Escape the Consequences. Yes, we Need Both/And, and sometimes I can get away with eating a Velvet Truffle JoyfullyTrue Joy can indeed be an Antidote to Hardcopy Cause-Effect Reality. All that requires is no lapses from Mindfulness. But that’s Enlightenment, isn’t it? Are We There Yet? as Impatient travelers like to say.

Our Programming and Our Karma are just different Flavors of the same Addictions. And our Beliefs and Disbeliefs are Karmic, in Dimension if not in Direction. In fact, many Compulsive Beliefs and Disbeliefs are Generation-Switching. Our Ancestors were so clearly Biased in their Adamance, that we came to the Conclusion that they were dead wrong, and Adopted the Opposite Belief or Disbelief. But just as Strongly. We’re “Dry Drunks” in that regard – same Dimension, Opposite Direction.

The Initiation of the Kassandra-Pluto/Compulsive Disbelief (“K-P”) Cycle, in 3 Aquarius –

…can Liberate us if we Let It, if we Lovingly Realize that we’ve been “Taking On and Losing Our (True) Selves” in those Beliefs and Disbeliefs and Notice what they “do to us” – to our True Selves that would otherwise be Meeting Rumi Out In that Field. That Initiation and its 5-year Cycle is Fully Self-Resolving and Enhanced (Diamond Stars) in both the Cardinal/Creative and Mutable/Changing Dimensions. The Fixed/Stabilizing Dimension is a Self-Resolving Grand Cross. The rhyme between the “K-P” Cycle and the “K-T” (5th Mass) Extinction may not be accidental.

The Stress Points in the two T-Squares are Transformation (Ka’epaoka’awela) and Accountability (Damocles). Our Transformation will get Stuck if we Indulge in Either/Ors between Social Convention (Ixion) and Our True Self’s 5D Relationship with the Web of Life (Chaos-Vesta-Arachne), and our Accountability will Stumble over Either/Ors between The Apparent Infinity of the Path to Unconditional Self-Love (Sisyphus-Sappho) and Converting Our Hungry Ghost to a SuperPower (Tantalus-Sedna). The latter is Confounded by our Survival Fear, as Our Beliefs about Money get involved (asteroid Midas joins Tantalus-Sedna).

The Pluto-Kassandra Initiation itself sits in the Self-Resolving Grand Cross. But a third wheel has joined their Party – Osiris. Osiris represents the Shattering of the Ego. And we were hoping to get through this Portal without Suffering an Ego Death. But by now we Know how to put Humpty Back Together Again, Don’t we.

After our 16 April Adventures working with Anger, Abuse, Privilege, Lies, and Beliefs, our next phase is all about Healing, beginning with the Life Force (Varuna) being Doubly Emphasized (Out of Bounds and Stationary) early on 19 April, and continuing through many Initiations and Stations through the 23 April Full Moon and the 25 April Return of Mercury (Communication, Travel) from its unusually Momentous Wandering in the Wilderness (Retrograde) and beyond.

After a bit of research, I see why this Mercury Retrograde has been so Momentous for me – it’s now Danced over the same Longitudes that it Danced over in the first 7 years of my Current Lifetime! Now over the next 3 weeks it’ll Dance over them again – but this time will be its Confidence-Builder Dance! Hooray for that! We’ll Explore the Cosmic Purpose of Mercury’s Current Dos-à-Dos (while checking out its Role in my own Life), as it’s Clearly Involved in the Healing we’re Approaching.

And what about this Vaunted Uranus-Jupiter Initiation? Yes, it’s Important, as it will have a big Impact on our Spiritual Evolution over the next 13 years. You can find a zillion takes online about how it’s likely to Impact our Mundane lives, and those are useful for Navigating the Mundane World. We’ll talk about how it’s likely to Influence our Spiritual Evolution, toward Enlightenment. If the K-P Cycle doesn’t take us there – that’s only a 5-year Cycle. That and the Venus, Magdalena, and Isis Cycles that are Initiated over the next 8 days should find us having a very different Perspective on Our Heart’s Values before May’s Flowers Bloom.

We’ve corrected and expanded the April Calendar in this Time-Space, adding UTs and marking the more Important Initiations in Red.

16 April Retrux III

April 17, 2024

So, what might The Guardian, for example, be headlining today, 16 April 2024, that might indicate Anger about Abuse and Privilege? A sampling…

Quite a bit of Anger by the Privileged about their God-Given Right-to-Abuse being questioned, which I wouldn’t have thought about a priori – more Patriarchy Death Rattle.

The Nessus-Mars Initiation chart includes two Major Challenges (T-Squares), one Self-Resolving (Diamond Star), and the other Non-Self-Resolving Homework for our Spiritual Evolution. The latter will Stress our ratio of Self-Confidence to Self-Doubt (Chariklo) from an Argument (Opposition) between Manifestation Assistance (Artesian) and Expanding Our Soul-Ego around Hope (Jupiter-Uranus-Pandora).

Hope is Essential as a Foundation for Motivation, but folks say that it’s not very Reliable as a Strategy. I can think of several questions here for our Ongoing Hidden-Karma Search. Are we Confident enough that our Manifestation Skills will be Strong Enough to Lift us Up from 3D to 5D, or are we Relying mostly on Hope? Are we Actively Expanding our Consciousness to facilitate this Ascension, or just Hoping it’ll Happen To Us?

And Conversely, is Enlightenment Something we Achieve, or Something we Allow? Is it Something like Lost car keys, that don’t appear till we Change the Subject, because they’re Lost in 4D and we’re Looking in 2D (Where was I when I last had them?), and only by moving our Laser-Sharp 2D Focus Elsewhere can we Open up our nD Intuition? Our Beliefs about these Mechanisms can make the Difference, but which side do we need to Stand On? Achieve or Allow? Can we make that a Both/And?

The Mars-Nessus Initiation itself is one side of the Argument (Opposition) in the Base of the Self-Resolving Major Challenge, meaning that our Task here is to Practice being a Neutral Observer. We want to Trust that the Cosmos will Resolve this far better than we can, so Tolerating what looks Broken in the Short Term (🎶Let It Be) is the Suggested Path. So if our own Anger arises, we don’t want to Suppress it, but we also don’t want to Act It Out, except perhaps in a Conscious Role-Playing Skit.

The Other Side of the Argument is our friend Thereus-Black Moon Lilith – Eris-Pinocchio and Nessus-Mars don’t themselves overlap, but their Auras do. That’s Tough-Love/Self-Love, so first we need to Both/And that possible Dissonance before we can try to Both/And that Amalgam with our Mars-Nessus Amalgam. Complicated, this Earth Life, aint it. If we leave any Unconscious or Conscious Either/Ors laying around, where does the Stress land?

On The Field Which Permits Life (Altjira), implying that this may be more about the Global situation than our own Personal Dramas, and of course the Self-Resolving nature of the Altjira Diamond Star suggests that anyway. So our job is to sit back and Enjoy the Show.

These leftover Isolated Squares are like prizes in a box of Cracker-Jacks. This one features Sustainability (Ceres Out of Bounds) Arguing with (Square) Expressing our Bummers (Mercury-Chiron). I discovered long ago, when I played the card game Hearts a lot, that a string of Bad Luck didn’t Change till I Complained about it Out Loud. Just last week I Complained Out Loud about some silly but sudden Change that occurred years ago, that made putting an overshirt on very difficult.

I’ve tried for years to figure out why it’s so difficult now, with no luck. But after I Complained Out Loud last week, it’s gotten Easier! It’s sort of like the Manifestation Suggestion that Asking for What You Want or Need facilitates Receiving it. This could particularly apply to Money and other Survival Tools. Since the Profit Motive is so often what ends up Abusing Nature, I asked our Chief Asteroid Officer for her list of favorite Money-Related asteroids.

One of her Suggestions was asteroid Kuber, named after the Hindu God of Wealth. And sure enough, asteroid Kuber Conjoins Mercury-Chiron in the Eris-Mars Initiation chart. So this little Isolated Square Cracker-Jack prize of Wisdom is pretty clear. If you want your cashflow to be Sustainable, Speak Up about your Needs! Make Compainability and Sustainability a Both/And. And a bow of Namaste to our CAO!

16 April Retrux II

April 16, 2024

The two Isolated Challenges (naked Squares) in the Pinocchio-Eris chart are…

  • Rigorous Examination of our Self-Sovereignty (Thereus-Black Moon Lilith) versus Disciplining our Judgments (Samadhi-Hopi). How do we do a Rigorous Examination? Like an Aggressive Barrister? Or a Self Breast Exam? Where we’re ready to Pounce on a Suspected Fault and send it to Jail or have it Excised? Or Lovingly and Gently, like you might do with someone else’s Breast, someone you Love?

Thereus is a Fair but Firm Judge. Remember he’s the one who liked to go out in the Woods and arm-wrestle with Bears, then bring them Home with him, still Snarling. Yes, the Main Effect here involves Codependence and it’s Relationship with Guilt and Pride. Are we Rejecting all three of those as affronts to our Self-Sovereignty? Remember that the Discrimination involved in Karma is a SuperPower – it’s only the Mindless Repetition whether Appropriate and Productive or Not that needs to be Eliminated when we’re Dumping the Karmawe Keep the Discernment for use when Needed.

Have we stumbled onto an Either/Or split in our Unconscious or Semi-Conscious Psyche between our Self-Sovereignty and our Self-Love? Are the two Competitors? If they aren’t one another’s Best Cheerleaders, can we make them so? Wouldn’t that Feel Better? Can we make it Stick? Perhaps with Intention?

And if Samadhi stands for Enlightenment through Discipline, is it really Enlightenment if we get there via No Pain No Gain? Someone has to maintain the Curriculum and Certify the graduates, and we end up with a Priesthood, the Second Harmonic, 2D. We won’t even find Rumi’s Field, let alone meet him there. In 2D there’s no such Animal as Respect for ALL Things, it’s like saying that the Universe is Expanding – Expanding into What?

We’re Asked to make room for Enlightenment through Discipline, Respect for ALL Things, Firm but Fair Judgment, and Self-Sovereignty, without any Contradiction or Dispute – a Tall Order. Love Dies when Judgment Replaces Curiosity. Love is the Bottom Line. Astrologically it’s not a Mystery School, where Paradox reigns. But Empirically it certainly is.

  • The other Isolated Challenge pits the Merger of Fate and Choice (Moira) with The Truth of the Heart (Aletheia) on one side, against a complex Stellium on the other, Uniting Our Soul (Uranus), Expansion (Jupiter), Nature (Pan OOB), and New Karma (Klotho).

Is the Truth of Your Heart either Fate or Choice? No. It’s Liberation from Either/Ors, unless you’re a Muggle. But there’s no conflict there, since we’re Fated to Have to Choose. Like Guilt, Fate or Choice is a Paper Tiger, not a property of Reality, a property of the Dualistic Mind. Which leaves us with The Truth of the Heart versus the Stellium full of Heavy Hitters – Soul, Expansion, Nature.

The only internal Either/Ors between those three probably derive from the Profit Motive. Otherwise, we just Expand into Collaboration. I don’t see many problems doing that in a manner that The Truth of Our Heart Approves. Examining your own Assumptions and reviewing your own Preferences might lead you to some Apparent Contradictions that you can then PIAVA into Union, but I don’t see this Isolated Challenge as a Biggie – tell me what I’m overlooking, K?

16 April Retrux

April 15, 2024

Retrux is when the Truck goes forward again and runs over you the third time. Just kidding, I know everyone’s running on the Tati Script, and we don’t get run over in that one like we do in the Bergman.

The first of the three 16 April 2024 triumvirate of Initiations, Revelation of Lies (Pinocchio-Eris), occurring at UT 2:19, shortly after I write this, is definitely our Evolutionary Homework. It has one Non-Self-Resolving Major Challenge (T-Square no Diamond Star or Grand Trine) in the Creative Signs, and two Isolated Challenges (naked Squares) in the other two Qualities.

The second of the three, Anger at Abuse and Privilege (Mars-Nessus) at UT 9:02, also contains Non-Self-Resolving Homework (a Stabilizing-Sign Unadorned T-Square) for us, though a second Major Challenge Is Self-Resolving (Diamond Star in Mutating Signs), and here the Creative Signs hold an Isolated Challenge.

The third and final Initiation of the day at UT 22:19, Compulsive Disbelief (Pluto-Kassandra), is a relative Piece of Cake that we can Enjoy when the Bread runs out. Both the Creative and the Stabilizing Signs feature Fully Self-Resolving and Enhanced Major Challenges (Diamond Stars with Integrated Grand Trines), while the Mutating Signs are Self-Resolving as well (a Grand Cross). As long as we remember a few Guidelines (stick with Tati, 🎶There Will Be an Answer, Let It Be, Let it Be).

As we describe the three charts, we’ll Distinguish between our Converting-Either/Or-to-Both/And Homework and the Let It Be Arguments.

The single Major Challenge in the Pinocchio-Eris chart Focuses Stress on the Pinnocchio-Eris Merger itself, and it’s Fellow Traveler The Sun (Our Essence). What do you Bet it’s about the Negative Things We Think, or even Say to Ourself, About Ourself! Or, it could be about Our Judgments of Others, since those are only our Projections of what we Refuse to Accept in Ourself.

It’s at the End of Aries, so it’s about a New Self we’ve been Building Intuitively for a while now, but we’ve been Building in some unnecessary Limitations, and the Cosmos is Suggesting that we Remove them before we Start casting our Taurean Prototype in Hard Copy. Three Concepts seem to remain stuck in Either/Or Mode – Codependence (Hylonome), Pride, and Guilt (Niobe-Nemesis Out of Bounds). We could even be Proud of our Guilt, or Guilty about our Pride!

Guilt and Pride are Big Sticks in the Old Religions, so either or both wouldn’t surprise. Feel each one of them deeply, NOW is the ideal time, Ask yourself Where do I Feel Guilt in my Body as a Sensation, and How does it Feel there? Sensations are things like Hot, Cold, Tingly, Tickley, Achey, Prickly, Itchy, Full, Empty, Tight, Loose, Tense, Vibrating, Heavy, Raw, Tender, Taut. If it Feels Like anything, that’s a Comparison, which are always Thoughts, not Sensations.

Notice when your Mind starts to try to Interject Thoughts – This is because… This Means… But She Said… and patiently, persistently, and Relentlessly Bring your Attention back to the Sensations in your Body. Till the Sensations begins to Move elsewhere in your Body.

Then, Ask yourself Where do I Feel Pride in my Body as a Sensation, and How does it Feel there? Notice when your Mind starts to try to Interject Thoughts – This is because… This Means… But He Said… and patiently, persistently, and Relentlessly Bring your Attention back to the Sensations in your Body. Till the Sensations begins to Move elsewhere in your Body.

This is one of the most Powerful Self-Healing Skills you can Learn, and deserves a Lot of Practice, till it becomes automatic. Use it for any Emotion or Sensation, including Pain, Fear, and Anger. We’re laying the Foundations for a New Life for ourself on the New Earth, and our own New Life will be a Model for the New Earth as we Build Both simultaneously.

I’ll let you Practice while I write about the two Isolated Challenges and the other two Initiations.

16 April Redux

April 13, 2024

As we mentioned in the Ketchup V post, 16 April 2024 looks like a particularly Strong, if potentially Challenging, Opportunity for Abuse Victims to Claim some Soul Recovery. Since there are so many kinds of Abuse, the category applies to just about all of us. Empirically, the Worst Abusers often suffered the Worst Abuse, but the bottom line is that Abuse is to tails as Privilege is to Heads – the other side of the Coin, and the Coin is Inequality, Prime Characteristic Number One of the Patriarchy.

An Initiation is the first Conjunction of a series of Conjunctions between two planets (in some cases the Only, when it’s a “series” of one). It’s when the Combination of the Energies of those two planets is Strongest, and it’s the Beginning of a Cycle of varying length, where the Faster planet carries out the Wishes of the Slower planet, in accordance with the Circumstances of the Initiation. The Combined Energy usually Builds Up prior to the Initiation, but then falls off fairly rapidly afterwards, to recover its Strength later, when the Faster planet is 90 Degrees ahead of the Slower planet (the “Waxing Square”).

In this gap between the Initiation and the Waxing Square, those in the know about the Combined Energy of the New Cycle are building its Foundation without much fanfare. Meanwhile, those who are heavily invested in the Combined Energies of the Previous Cycle are hoarding the Headlines in order to get the most out of their Investments as long as they can keep the Hype going about how the New Cycle is Hogwash. We can see that happening pretty Clearly now, where the New Combined Energy is “Clean” Electrification, and the Old Combined Energy is Oil. It’s more complex than that, but that’s the General Outline.

In a bit more detail, the 16th boasts three different Potentially Challenging Opportunities as three different but Conceptually Related Initiations occur and their three Cycles Begin on the same day. The Concurrence of their Initiations guarantees that the development of the Cycles will be Inextricably Intertwined. We’ll take the General Theme of the Trifecta from the three Slower Planets – it’s Compulsive Outing of Abuse and Privilege (Pluto-Eris-Nessus). And since we have 2-year, 3-year, and 5-year Cycles, we’ll have three different Major Outings.

The first of the three segments is about Anger over Abuse and Privilege (Mars-Nessus) – the torches and pitchforks phase. We can see many @MeToo Issues heating up, and some stories about Political Downfalls, here near the Initiation, which peaks at 19 Pisces (A Glorious Sample of 5D). Unfortunately, this Combined Energy is about to fall from the headlines, once the Heat of the Initiation fades. But the Egg has been laid, and it Hatches at the Waxing Square in August of this year (before the US election), in 20 Pisces (Ruthless Persistence to Achieve The Most Important Thing).

This first segment occurs in the Emotional Realm. We Intellectualize it at our Peril, as those of us who postponed our PTSD for decades well know – it Rules our Life from behind the curtain till we Call It Out and Face It Down. We won’t get to that Most Important Thing and Feel that Glorious Sample of 5D until we get serious about Refusing to Abandon our Emotions to Anal-ysis or Thought. We can do that by Exploring our Emotions through Where and How They Feel in our Physical Body, and being Ruthlessly Persistent about Staying Present with that till the Intuition Breaks Through.

The second segment is about Revelation of Lies (Eris-Pinocchio), Initiating at 25 Aries (The Banished Shadow Emerges into the Light) – if the Perp is snatched from the Angry Masses by the Gendarmes, this is the Trial phase. This segment also goes under a journalistic gag order and undercover Investigations. The Indictment Resurfaces at its Waxing Square though, also prior to the US election, in September 2024, at 26 Aries (Union with All).

The wax in the ointment is in the third chunk, the Compulsive Disbelief (Pluto-Kassandra). As with any Combination of Energies, this can go either way in the Dualistic private or public Mind. We could be seeing Compulsive Disbelief of Truth, or Compulsive Skepticism. They both seem pretty common these days. This Egg doesn’t Hatch till March 2026. The Initiation occurs in 3 Aquarius –

But the Waxing Square is in 5 Aquarius (Mother Goddess Gaia in All of Her Myriad and Unitary Forms).

There are Emotional Components in the second two phases, but the Meat there – assuming we’ve done our Emotion-to-Sensation Homework in the first phase – is in Realizing that it’s all Metaphor. In Real Life and Unitary and Multidimensional Nature, it’s Always Both/And. If it’s Either/Or, you know you’re still Stuck in the Shallows of the Mind.

Let’s look at the Context of these three Initiations. On and before 11 April, we Felt the Strong Combined Energy of Hard But Fair Judgment around Our Self-Sovereignty (Thereus Initiated Black Moon Lilith in 22 Virgo – Bearing Witness to Spirit Preparing Us for the Future). Then we Met A Strong Opportunity to Realize that the Mind knows only Metaphors, and they’re All Relative (Pinocchio Initiated the Sun in 23 Aries – Rapidly Adapting to Constant Change, without Attachment). Following that we were Invited to Notice that Shame is Just Dead Karma, a Paper Tiger (Phaedra Out of Bounds Initiated Atropos in 8 Gemini – Acceptance of All without Judgment).

Between 12 and 19 April we’re Embraced by three Combining Energies that most of us Integrate fairly rarely – Our Heart’s Truth, Our Life Mission, and Mary Magdalene’s Grace. If you aren’t Feeling that already, Ask Mary Magdalene to Help you Notice how Beautiful your Heart’s Truth is, and how Wonderful it would Feel to Live in that Space most of the time. Surrender any Disbeliefs you’ve been Taught about Mary Magdalene – by now you know those were only Politically Motivated Metaphors and Lies. Open your Arms and Heart to Her Grace. (12-17 April North Node Initiates Magdalena and Venus in 16 Aries – Through Emotion to Clarity of Purpose and The Need to Be Present with Oneself; 19 April Magdalena Initiates Venus in 18 Aries – Irrepressible Intuition of the Extranormal.)

If you’ve been Experiencing any of these Threads – Self-Sovereignty, Metaphor, Shame, Heart-Truth, Trust in our Own Mission, Grace – from the Negative Side of the Coin, there’s still time to turn that around. You’ve been moving through Healing Crises, where an Affliction appears Stronger as it Leaves your Body. Like any Expired Karma, this is what we’ve been accustomed to, and when it Leaves we feel a Cold Breeze blowing in through the Hole it left. So we Grab at Self-Doubt, Mind-“Truths,” Self-Judgment, Worthlessness, and Helplessness because they’ve Felt Like Home to us for Decades. Liberating ourself from their Burden is as simple as Declaring the Intention to Let Them Go. It’s Unlikely that you’ll only have to do it once, but Persistence is Golden.

Between 9 and 17 April another trio of Energies Sweep Through and Combine – Our Values, Our Trust, and Our Commitment to Enlightenment. This is a Teaching that We Don’t Have to Give Up Our Deepest Desires in Order to Reach 5D – in fact, we have to Embrace Them as Part of Who We Are, and Being True to Who We Are is the Price of Admission to 5D. 9 April Taught us to Trust Our Desires (Eurydike Initiated Venus in 6 Aries – Living Totally from the Body’s Impulses). Then around 13 April we Felt the Strength of our Desire for Enlightenment, quite possibly accompanied by the echoes of Programming that we had to give up our Bodies’ Desires to Allow Ascension (Salacia Initiated Venus in 10 Aries). Then 17 April Taught us to Trust Our Commitment to Enlightenment (Salacia Initiated Eurydike), still in 10 Aries –

Meanwhile, on the 14th and 15th, first Cyllarus (Ego Death) and then Aletheia (The Heart’s Truth) are Stationary, or at the peaks of their individual planetary Energy. If we haven’t Convinced ourself yet that Ego Death is a very Reliable Path to Enlightenment, then this is another Opportunity to work on that. For every significant Karmic Turd we Dump, an Ego Death is how it occurs.

The more Karma we Let Go, the more Ego Death we “Enjoy.” And if we’re Committed to Zhulong-type Enlightenment, through Reaching the Truth of Our Self by Jettisoning our Programming and our Karma (which are just different Versions of each other), and we haven’t Learned to actually Embrace Ego Death yet, Life will be Tough. If we’re unable to make that Leap, we’re better off reverting to Samadhi-type Enlightenment, through Discipline, though that often involves Self-Deprivation, which isn’t the sort of Endeavor that this April Window necessarily Encourages.

Cyllarus Stations in 4 Leo –

Two hurdles to Embracing Ego Death as a Way of Life. First, Noticing and Acknowledging that Hole Where the Rain Gets In or the Cold Wind Blows Through as the Absence of parts of our Artificial Self, so we don’t have to – or Want to – Run After it and Beg it to Come Back. Second, Recognizing that it’s Not that Hard to Drop in a New Ego When an Old One Dies. All the King’s Men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty Back together again, but the Queen’s Women could! Isis is the Consummate Professional at this, and Asking for Her Help is as simple as Calling Her Name.

Anytime you start a sentence with I Am, you’re talking about your Ego. So all we need to do when the Cold Wind Blows the Rain In, is say to Ourself, or to Manifest or Invisible Witnesses, I Am Me. Or I Am That I Am. Or I Am Free. Or just I Am! Or even I Yam What I Yam. Presto Change-o, New Ego! Feel the Cold Breeze Die instead of “you.”

We’ve been talking a lot about Our Heart’s Values, Venus. Aletheia is a Deeper version of the same Energy. The “Truth” of the Mind is Debatable. It’s 2D, Either/Or, it’s Dependent on Assumptions, and when Assumptions (which are usually unsaid) Change, the “Truth” Changes. When Perspective Changes, Mind-“Truth” Changes. Ask the 8 blind men and the Elephant. Your Heart-Truth is not Debatable. It’s Your Truth, and it will be Different from other people’s Truths. Your Personal Experience may Refine it or Evolve it, and you may even Rephrase it. But if you Change it, it will be Your Change, without anyone else’s Approval or Review. Aletheia’s Station is in 27 Leo –

Ketchup V

April 11, 2024

The 2024 April Calendar is complete for now. We’ve omitted most of the UTs because calculating them takes up so much time. If anyone needs any of them, let me know, and I’ll either supply them, teach you how to calculate them, or talk Bob into creating an AI UT Calculator for us. I’ve always found it intriguing that in the month-to-month Overlap, the April UTs calculated in April are different from the April UTs calculated in March.

I assume that’s because the Heavies like Neptune and Jupiter keep throwing their weight around so that even though we think we have formulae for calculating the Orbits of the planets, they don’t have enough Dimensionality – or we don’t know what the Missing Dimensions are – to be accurate and stay accurate from month to month. I imagine even a Visitor like Ohmanouou, or whomever that giant Pleiadian cigar that barreled through was, could throw Orbits off a bit. To know one Orbit you’d have to know all the Others as well, and we’re Discovering new Dust Mites and Dwarf Planets all the time.

If you can’t figure out if it was Ingmar Bergman…

Or Jacques Tati…

who wrote the Script we’re living, take a look at the Calendar for 16 April 2024 (I recommend you Choose the Tati) – Nessus Initiates Mars, Pluto Initiates Kassandra, and Eris Initiates Pinocchio. That’s a two-year Cycle about Abuse-Privilege and Action-Irritation, a four-year Cycle on Compulsion and Disbelief, and a three-year Cycle on Denial and Prevarication, all starting on the same day, which means that that all three Cycles are inextricably twisted into one another.

Yes, for sure, Choose the Tati.