Archive for the ‘Mjolnir’ Category

Stations, Initiations, and Shame

June 10, 2023

We follow the movement of about 70 Heavenly Bodies of one kind or another – planets and asteroids mostly, and a few symbolic points (like the Nodes). We annotate about the same number of Fixed Stars, but we don’t “follow” them (they don’t move much anyway), we just mention how they might impact the Degree of the Zodiac that the Star is stuck in, when one of our 70 Heavenly Bodies is in or Adjacent to that Degree. For convenience, and to avoid confusion with anybody’s Heartthrob, we refer to the 70 Heavenly Bodies generically as “planets.”

Astrology and East-West – Stations

Most of these “planets” have “Stations,” when they appear to Stand Still in the Sky. Tropical Astrology uses mostly Longitude, or what an astronomer would call “Right Ascension,” or the distance that a planet is from (West of) the Reference Meridian, measured in Degrees (0 to 360). A Meridian is a line drawn from pole to pole, often referred to as a “Line of Longitude.”

In Tropical astrology, the Reference Meridian, 0 Aries, is the Meridian of the Sun’s position at the Northern Spring Equinox, when the Sun, in the process of its annual North-South migration, crosses the Equator on the Northward leg of that Journey. So while astrology appears to measure Distance, like Stonehenge and its ilk, it’s really measuring Time.

Most planets Station twice a year. The Solar System is like a racetrack. The Inner Planets “lap” or pass the Earth, and the Earth “laps” or passes, the Outer Planets. When you pass a car on the freeway, if you look only at the car, it appears to be Standing Still and then appears to be Moving Backwards. It’s the same with planetary Stations. Looking up into the Night Sky, you won’t see a planet’s Station.

But if you take a snapshot of the Sky at the same time every night, and then make each snapshot a frame in a video, you can tell planets from Stars because the planets have moved relative to the Stars, while the Stars haven’t moved relative to one another. As a planet Stations and then appears to Move Backwards (“Retrograde”), it stays in one place relative to the Stars for several days, then begins Moving Backwards.

The psychosocial impact on Huperity of a planet, individually and collectively, is Strongest when a planet is Stationary. Observing this is the best way to Learn about a planet, and through this Mirror, about ourselves. For instance, the asteroid Phaedra was prominent yesterday, 9 June. Echoing the Greek Persona that it was named for, one of the most prominent characteristics of Phaedra’s Influence is Shame.

Yesterday I was sorting through my usual catalog of Negative Self-Thoughts (such as, That’s right, I can’t Manifest that because I am such-and-such), and in the process Noticed that these Thoughts were the result of Being Shamed as a child. I’ve always just assumed that those Negative Self-Thoughts were pretty much Objective Observations. But Knowing that Shame was Lit Up yesterday, Changed that. It will take more reps to Cement the Connection, but now I know that those Thoughts are Shame-based, giving me greater License to Revert them.

This Epiphany is also part of the Response to my PIAVAs that I Dive more Deeply into the Metaphysical and Karmic nature of my chronic hip and lower back pain.

Astrology and North-South – Out of Bounds

Phaedra was not Stationary yesterday, but it was Lit Up by another phenomenon that makes the impact of a planet pronounced – Phaedra was Moving Out of Bounds. While astrology deals mostly with Longitude, it does also include Latitude (distance North or South from the Equator, measured in Degrees, 0 to 90), though less prominently. In the Sun’s annual migration North and South, it moves from 23.437 Degrees (23° 26′ 11.3″ or about 23 Degrees 27 Arcminutes) North Latitude at the Northern Summer Solstice on about 21 June, to 23.437 Degrees South Latitude at the Southern Summer Solstice on about 21 December.

Both astronomy and astrology, dealing as they do with the Sky, translate Latitude to Declination, or the vertical Angle between the planet and a projection of the Earth’s Equator onto the Sky. That projection is tilted 23.437 Degrees from the Ecliptic, or the Plane of the Earth’s Orbit about the Sun. What we Experience as the Sun moving North and South, is actually the permanent tilt of the Earth relative to the Ecliptic that gives us the Seasons.

As the Earth moves around the Sun, it’s tilt stays constant, so for half of the year the Sun is overhead North of the Equator, and for the other half of the year, the Sun is overhead South of the Equator. In Chinese Legend, this tilt was caused by Rogue Dragon Gonggong! Like certain other Miscreants, Gonggong tried to Take Over the World, in the (failed) attempt causing a Great Flood and knocking the Earth out of Alignment.

Remember our Recent Adventures with 6 Pisces, when dwarf planet Gonggong (Intrusive Memories) Initiated both Saturn (The Most Important Thing) and asteroid Karma (Karma), knocking them both out of their previous Alignment? It turns out that this was a Long-Term Positive Development, as we need Realignment in order to Adapt ourself to Gaia’s new Evolutionary Direction (see for instance Aluna Joy’s latest missive).

It would be easy to argue that the Seasons were a Positive Development too, while we had them. Hupers are Powerful Manifesters, and every Thought is a Prayer. Too many Hupers too often complaining about it being Too Cold and Too Rainy, and too many Hupers raping Nature for their own Comfort, by for instance cutting down the Trees, has Moved the Planet toward Desertification. What we’re Living now is Mother Gaia Restoring Balance.

The impact on Huperity is that Individually and Collectively We Must Become More Conscious of Our Thoughts and Actions. Becoming Conscious that some of my Habitual Negative Thoughts (virtually, Prayers) are Shame-Based is part of that Realignment. My Thoughts Project Prayer whether they’re Conscious or Unconscious. As long as they’re Unconscious, Disguising themselves to my Awareness as Objective Observations that I don’t Revert, they’re busy Manifesting a Reality that I don’t Want.

The “Bounds” that astrology refers to is that same Limit in the Sun’s Travel, 23 Degrees 27 Minutes North and South of the Equator. The Sun, and some planets, such as Jupiter, never venture further North or South, but the Moon and many planets Explore more Polar Landscapes. When a planet or the Moon moves further North (usually labeled “+”) or South (“-“) than 23°27′, they are considered to be Out of Bounds, and their influence on Huperity is Amplified, Enhanced, Exaggerated, or otherwise Increased.

Phaedra/Shame will be Out of Bounds for the next 21 months, from yesterday 9 June 2023 till 23 March 2025 and from 12 Taurus to 29 Cancer. It will Stand Still on 26 September 2023 (5 Gemini), 11 January (20 Taurus) and 4 December (14 Leo) 2024, and 20 March 2025 (29 Cancer), just before it Returns In-Bounds. Any of those dates and locations provide excellent Opportunities to Receive Epiphanies about your Hidden Shame that may still be Creating the Opposite of What You Want.

The chart of yesterday’s Phaedra Out-of-Bounds event was a Complete Grand Unx – planets in every Sign near the same Degree as Phaedra. An Unx is one twelfth of anything, and an Angle Connecting planets within a few Degrees of being one Sign apart. Since the Twelfth Harmonic is Pattern-Breaking (Tarot’s Hanged Man – by his heels Seeking New Perspective), this was a fabulous Opportunity to Bring Karma into Consciousness where it can be Reverted.

In this chart, Phaedra Challenged (Squared) Chariklo-Icarus (Enthusiasm and Burnout around Confidence and Doubt) and was Challenged by Mars-Pallas (Boundaries around Assertiveness) – in my FOO I was Shamed for Enthusiasm, Confidence, and Assertiveness, a perfect Match. But why did I see through the Fog of Programming and Identify the Shaming, instead of being Depressed by it?

Both of those Squares were Graced with Vajras – Trioctile Yods, meaning Epiphanies. The Enthusiasm-Confidence Challenge (Icarus-Chariklo Square Phaedra) was Trioctiled by Sustainability (Ceres), and the Assertiveness-Boundaries Challenge (Mars-Pallas Square Phaedra) Trioctiled by the Goddess of Abundance Lakshmi (dwarf planet Varda).

Deja Vu All Over Again 4

May 29, 2023

Continuing where we left off in the previous post…

21-23 of the Fixed Signs

Finally, on 21 May Tantalus Stood Still in 23 Aquarius, and that Degree Zone will be revisited on 30 May…

5/30Uranus (Our Individual Soul) Initiates Vesta (Our Unconscious Limiting Beliefs) in 21 Taurus (Adept of the Mysteries), Beginning a 4-Year Cycle on Bringing Our Limiting Beliefs into Consciousness so We Can Stretch Them; UT 18:50 (PDT 11:50 am 30th, BST 7:50 pm 30th, IST 12:20 am 31st, AEST 4:50 am 31st)

Three Good-Sized Challenges here (a Creative and a Stabilizing T-Square and a Naked Square in the Changing Signs), which is appropriate since Stretching our Limiting Beliefs often involves Ego Death and even Held Emotions. Sometimes Insight does the job with far less Sturm und Drang – let’s check to see if any Epiphanies are available…1

1 We associate Trioctiles (a Square-and-a-half or 135 Degrees) with Insight, as they combine the Eighth (Adjustment) and Third (Love with Wisdom) Harmonics. Put a third planet at the far midpoint from a Square, and you have a Trioctile Yod, which, to the folks who still regard themselves as Victims of their Squares and “Semi-Squares” (Octiles), might be called a Middle Finger of the Goddess (they actually call it a “Hammer of Thor”).

To the contrary, we consider a Trioctile Yod to symbolize Epiphany, since we’re Resolving a Square with a matched pair of Insightful Trioctiles. Believing the name Hammer of Thor to be loaded with Baggage about Ultimate Destruction, we prefer a new name. We often use Mjölnir, although it’s just the Norwegian name for the Hammer of Thor. We could also use Vajra, the Hindu name for the weapon preferred by Indra, chief of the Gods in many sects.

They have the same Mythic roots. The Vajra combines Irresistible Force (Lightning) with Indestructibility (Diamond). If we assume that the Mythic is more about Ego Death than Physical Violence – which is an easily defensible assumption – then the Indestructible Diamond is Spiritual Truth and the Irresistible Lightning is Illumination, and what is Destroyed is Karmic Naivete. Hence, Epiphany, as sudden as Lightning.

Aha, we do have Epiphanies to our Naked Square, and to one half of the Challenge to our Creativity.

The first Challenge, in the Stabilizing Signs – the Difficulty which Threatens our Soul’s Infusion into our Unconscious Beliefs (Uranus-Juno) – is the Interplay (Opposition) between Burnout from the continuing Effort Required (Icarus-Tantalus OOB), and Pride in our Manifestation Skills (Hybris-Artesian). While Pride is Psychologically Healthy, it’s not Conducive to Spiritual Progress.

In the Creative Signs, the Tension of the Challenge pushes on Ganesh (Focus of the T-Square) in the form of a Muddle between the Argument that Transformation (ie, Formation of a New Trance) can be Instantaneous (Ka’epaoka’awela) and a Debate over How Exactly the Patriarchy should be Disarmed (Heracles-Chiron). Chiron, recall, gave up his Immortality in order to be Relieved of the Pain of his Unhealable Wound.

If a Disempowered Patriarchy Admitted how much Suffering its Constant Competition and Fear of the “Darkness” (the Feminine) has created not just in its Victims but also in its Perps, a Spiritually Honorable Choice for it would be to Graciously Accept its Mortality. Knowing how Addictive Privilege is, and seeing how Pride is already Destabilizing (the first Challenge, above), and how rarely we see Remorse in the Perps nailed so far, we wonder if that’s likely.

However, that Square between Ganesh and Heracles-Chiron is Illuminated by a Vajra. The Rescuing planet is Nemesis in 6 Gemini, Maintaining a Heroic Tenacious Hold on Our Intention to Heal into Wholeness. But, Nemesis as Rescuer? Yes – the Epiphany may well be that Most of Our Guilt is Synthetic, Injected by the Patriarchy to Keep us Down! We’ll find out more at the upcoming 8 June Initiation of Heracles by Chiron.

The Naked Square is in the Mutable Signs, between Nesssus (Abuse/Privilege), Pandora (Hope), and Klotho (New Beginnings) in Pisces, and Altjira Out of Bounds (Emphasis on the Field of Life), Atlantis (Lessons from Prior Disrespect of Same), and Juno (the Need for Growth in Consciousness) in Gemini – basically, Our Worry about whether Western Civilization will Collapse before or after it either Destroys the Livability of Earth, or Recognizes the Need for an Upgrade in Consciousness, or both.

The Vajra or Epiphany to this Naked Square is more Positive – Jupiter-North Node (Expansion-Mission) in 4 Taurus, A Dreamer about Lost Skills, Stuck in a Trance, Revertable by Inner Work and Deep Belief in the Power of the Soul. As we would Expect, a Merger of Jupiter and the North Node would be welcomed by Enhanced Self-Resolving Challenges. They Merged 27 May in 3 Taurus (Mean Node), and will Merge again 2 June in 4 Taurus (True Node).

Soulful Full Moon

February 4, 2023

I’m still behind on paper, still working on the 19-22 January 2023 Moira-Uranus New Moon report, which is important because it’s Impact lasts till the 20 February New Moon. But in Real Life, when the clouds above my skylight parted last night, it became Glaringly Obvious that the 5-6 February Full Moon is upon us! So what’s it about?

First, it Dances with our Soul in quite a Challenging manner (non-Self-Resolving Uranus T-Square to the Full Moon Opposition). The Full Moon itself is at 17 Leo, Irrepresible Emergence of the Underworld. The Sun is at 17 Aquarius, Maintaining the Details of Tradition. Our Tradition is to treat the Underworld this way…

Uranus, though, sits at 90 Degrees from both of them, but at 16 Taurus, The Compulsive Truth of Love. It’s Squeezed between Star Menkar in 15 Taurus, The Repeatedly Erupting Need to Surrender, and 17 Taurus, Eruption of Unconscious Contents. Sounds like David Icke, post-Ayahuasca. If you’ve ever watched much television or studied much History, you know well how brutal and sadistic Hupers can be.

We may have Memories or Dreams or Visions that emulate television in their Brutality and Sadism. We may even have Chosen to Confront some of that when we were in the Lightworker’s Lounge Simulator. Whether from the Simulator or from any sort of Experience that we Identify as Personal, we may have Karma that approaches this. There is no Ego Identity in the Unconscious, it’s Impersonal. Some people consider it to have Three main Realms, the Universal, symbolized by Pluto, the Cultural (by Neptune), and the Individual (by Uranus).

Wait! If the Unconscious is full of Bogeypersons, how can we consider Uranus, the Individual Unconscious, to represent The Soul? You’re thinking of Freud’s Subconscious. That’s the Dungeon where all of our Demons are Chained Up (or were, till this Full Moon, I guess). Jung’s Unconscious is the Dragon’s Lair, where our Lost Treasures are cached – the ones that will make us Whole and take us to 5D – Protected by the Dragon. The costumes and makeup are better there.

The Subconscious and the Unconscious are actually the same place. The only difference is the Perspective of the Observing Ego. Is Thor’s Hammer the Sledge of Destruction? Or is it the Mjölnir – Lightning – of Epiphany and Enlightenment? There’s a pretty Clear and very Traditional Dichotomy at work here, isn’t there – the Famous Dichotomy between Good and Evil. Well, Dichotomies are what Dimensionality? Two? What do we know about 2D? That’s where the Mind Lives, isn’t it. Nature doesn’t Live there, Reality doesn’t Live there.

You aren’t old enough to remember the old Kodak Brownie camera from the 1950s. My first camera. They may have had color film for it, but who could afford that? When we could spare the cash to get a roll developed, we got 2×2 inch (5×5 cm) black and white snapshots. 2 inches, 2 colors (sorta – shades of grey actually), 2D. That’s where Good and Evil Lived, there in the Brownie, and on the couch – and in the 50s. Actually, developers would only develop Good. Evil snapshots got confiscated. You had to go to Polaroid to capture Evil, and that was still originally only Sepia and White. Color TV was still ten years away. You can make Color with 3 pigments, but mixing them together in different combinations and intensities will provide an almost Infinite number of additional Dimensions.

That helps, but to get to Nature or Reality you need to add many more Dimensions, starting with Linear Time. Video simulates Linear Time, and consumes Linear Time to watch, but it still doesn’t do 3D well, or approach all the variations and nuances of Nature or Reality, or even of Huper Culture and Artifacts. All of these considerations are about Separation, a 2D Concept. Language, the Currency of 2D, can describe, usually crudely, many characteristics of 3D and sometimes beyond, but it has precious few words for Unitary. So we have to admit that 2D is woefully Inadequate to capture the Paradoxical way Nature is Multidimensional and Unitary.

The Unconscious is also Multidimensional and Unitary. The Three Realms are marked off just for the convenience of astrologers and psychologists and their Minds. The Three are Irretrievably Interwoven and Entangled. The distinctions between the Realms are pretty Arbitrary. Think of it as a Gigantic Blob floating in Interdimensional Space, like Dark Matter or Dark Energy, obviously Occupying the same space we Live In. The outside of this Unconscious Blob is studded with Rings. Bilbo was trying to find one of them. When we stick a finger into one of the rings on the outside of the Unconscious, it sticks. That’s Karma.

Since the Unconscious is Invisible or Transparent, we can never know the Source of the Karma. All we can do is Notice and Identify (crudely, since it’s multidimensional, but that’s a start) the Pattern of Behaviour that it produces, and Act or Speak Differently, Hoping the Change will impact the Karma broadly – for instance, will Stopping Generational Abuse End the Karma itself, or just our own Ring of it? We don’t know, we just do the best we can, and Assume that we’ll simultaneously Chip Away at the larger Cultural Realm of the Blob. If it helps, we can Assume that the Karma was part of the Original Intelligence of the Universe, put there as a Heuristic or Teaching Device for us demented Hupers.

The Finger of the Goddess, consisting of two planets two Signs apart, with a third planet at their Far Midpoint, five Signs away, making an Acute Triangle or Wedge. Five Signs is called a Quincunx (Latin for “5/12ths”) and indicating Mystery, or Dimensionality higher than 2 or 3. In Nature there are no Contradictions – which are 2D and therefore in the Mind of the Observer – there are only Paradoxes where there appear to be Contradictions, and this is also true of Mystery, the Quincunx, and the Finger of the Goddess. The Finger combines the 5th Harmonic (Learning) with the 12th Harmonic (Pattern-Breaking). We can’t change a Problem using the same Thinking that postulated the Problem, so we have to Learn a New Way to Break the Problem.

The T-Square consists of two planets in Opposition or 6 Signs apart, with a third planet at their Midpoint, three Signs away, making a Right Triangle. Three Signs is one fourth of the Zodiac, hence it’s the 4th Harmonic, signifying Dominion. Western Culture understands only Domination, not Dominion, as the tale of Damocles illustrates. Damocles covets the Emperor’s Luxury, so he asks if he can sit in for a day and Enjoy the Domination. The Emperor says “Sure,” but hangs a Sword over the Throne by a single Horsehair to symbolize the Complexity of the Duties that he must perform to maintain his Dominion. Damocles is Terrified by the implications of Accountability, and Runs Away. The Moon, by the way, symbolizes Accountability.

So the T-Square signifies Mastery through Challenge or Mastery through Adeptitude, which Damocles could have Worked toward had he not Run Away. Now, if we add a Finger of the Goddess to the T-Square, with each of their “third planets” being the same planet, then the base of the T-Square makes a nest of Trines and Sextiles (both of which signify Grace) with the base of the Finger, and this Basket of Grace under the T-Square makes the T-Square Self-Resolving. If it’s hard for you to follow all the triangles, this is all mapped out graphically in the post at Bear with us, we’re making a Point.

If Damocles was in a Self-Resolving Challenge, and had not run, but tried Sitting with his Discomfort (in the sense of Sitting in Meditation), he would have had an Aha! Experience, understood the message, untied the Sword, handed it back to the Emperor, thanked him, and Lived Happily Ever After. In a Self-Resolving Challenge (T-Square plus Finger of the Goddess), the Distressing Patterns we Break by Sitting with the Challenge are Patterns that were ready to Let Go of us, Rings that were ready to Break Open at the slightest Tug, or even On Their Own. (Thanks to Boozilla for the loan of the Patient Bear.)

Earlier we mentioned a Configuration that Ego astrologers refer to as a Thor’s Hammer, as it’s Implications can be troublesome for the Ego. It’s two planets 90 Degrees apart with a third planet halfway between them at their Far Midpoint, 4½ Signs away. The Ego astrologers refer to the 4½-Sign Angle as a Sesqui-Square because what they see is a Challenge similar to a Square (Sesqui means 1½). In Ascension astrology, we see a Trioctile Angle there, because we regard the Octile, the 8th Harmonic (1/8th of the Zodiac or 45 Degrees), as a very legitimate Angle in its own right, meaning Adjustment or Justice.

We refer to the Configuration as a Mjölnir, or Trioctile Yod. That’s just Norwegian for Thor’s Hammer, but the Hammer has so much Destructive Baggage from Hollywood’s interpretations of it, that we needed a more neutral term that emphasized the Lightning aspect of Thor’s Hammer. Lightning, a legitimate meaning of the Hammer in Norse Lore, is just as Destructive, but it’s more Focused, and Illuminates the Situation. So we regard the Octile as meaning Insight, and the Mjölnir as signifying Epiphany. The Trioctile combines the 3rd Harmonic (Love with Wisdom) and the 8th (Adjustment), so Implies Bringing into Balance.

Now, if a T-Square (Challenge) and a Mjölnir (Rebalancing) point to the same planet, then the Challenge is Self-Resolving with a Caveat. We have to do our Work. The Patterns to be Broken will likely be Difficult, such as Rejecting Feelings that We’d Rather Die than Feel. The Angles made between the base of the Mjölnir and the base of the Square, rather than Trines and Sextiles as was the case with the Finger, are Octiles and Trioctiles – Justice and Rebalancing.

There may be Guilt involved with the planets in the Mjölnir, and we may need to Make Amends to bring the Guilt “to Justice.” Often the Amends will need to be make to Ourself, for Abandoning an Inner Child for most of our Life, for instance. Guilt is seldom “Deserved” – it’s usually someone else Blaming us to Protect their own Ego. If it was something “we” did “wrong,” Regret would be more appropriate than Guilt. We put “we” in quotes because if it’s Karmic, it wasn’t even “us” that were involved, “we” weren’t there! “Wrong” is in quotes because it’s a Judgment, a Duality, an Intellectualization, a Thought. We can be Tortured by Thoughts, but not Blamed for them.

We’ll talk about how the Full Moon Triggers Mjölnirs tomorrow.

For now there’s one more Important Issue we need to mention. Karma is By Definition Not Present Moment. It has roots in other Lifetimes. Even if they’re Parallel Lifetimes, they aren’t in Our (Our Ego’s) Present Moment. It’s Effortless to Bring Karma into the Present Moment – all we need to do is Repeat Self-Destructive Habits Mindlessly. Yes, we haven’t traced most of our Karma back to its first Pattern. The Present-Moment Re-Enactment of Karma often starts with one of those Feelings that We’d Rather Die Than Feel.

Each time we Feel that, our Reaction is to Repress it, often before we even Realize we’ve Felt it, because we’ve been Practicing Repression for so long that it’s Automatic. Often it was part of our Programming. We weren’t Allowed to Feel that because our Programmers couldn’t Stand It themselves. So when we begin to Notice a Karmic Pattern beginning to Repeat, we may be Noticing the second or third Pattern in a series. That doesn’t matter. Whatever stage we Notice, that’ll make it easier to trace back to earlier Patterns.

We may be able to get ahead of this process by PIAVAing to know What Came Before the last time this Karma was Triggered? Then we can Notice that Pattern when it reoccurs, to see if it’s part of the Chain of Events and Feelings that lead to Outcomes we don’t Want. If we can be Vigilant about this process, ultimately we can simply Refuse to Cooperate when the Triggers are pulled. Fear is often one of the Feelings that we’d rather Die than Feel. Not all Fear, but Fear of a certain Tone, Fear that Regresses us to Past Deaths or Past Experiences that “we” Experienced as Worse than Death.

Once we Interrupt the Chain of Events and Feelings that lead to Outcomes we don’t Want, it becomes Obvious that Karma is Just a Thought. Like the old Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Thoughts Will Never Hurt Me till we let them lead us down a Train of Karma. From the Perspective of the Octile and Trioctile, every Event and Feeling is a Teacher, and the more Unpleasant it is, the more Important is the Lesson. Blaming the Teacher when we don’t Grok the Lesson helps no one.

Rhodonite (the red, a Manganese Inosilicate with Calcium, Iron, and Magnesium substituting for some of the Manganese; an Inosilicate is one with the Silicate units joined into long chains) and Galena (the silver-black, Lead Sulfate), which “blends the heart pink with the dark root Chakra colors [and] helps a person self-actualize as it increases awareness of dignity, self-respect, and self-regard [and] grounds all these essential awarenesses to a stable foundation. … It is a unique aid to insight as it strengthens the heart connection to the higher self, bridging the intelligence and learning ability of the heart tissue with the higher self while bypassing the brain” (Marquist & Frasl, pp.127-8).

Living in the Heart

December 29, 2020

Brenda Hoffman channels some wonderful Wisdom today…

“You are likely no longer comfortable being the source of others’ jokes or the instigator of downplaying others’ importance. You are discovering an inner voice that often stops you in mid-message or sentence. A voice that invalidates what you once thought or said. For you are beginning to lead with your heart instead of social norms.

“Perhaps there was a time when you made fun of a certain person or action. But doing so now does not provide you with the same feeling of conquest. It merely makes you sad. For you are a different being with a different focus, and most importantly for this topic, different needs.

“Your needs before your transition and the energies of this December were often to be better than others. And to project that difference, you needed to make fun of their mistakes, their being. You needed to talk down to them and about them.

“You are discovering that doing so no longer gives you the same high, the same feeling of satisfaction. Instead, doing so makes you feel different, a difference you are beginning to explore. Some of you will display those unpleasant feelings physically. Others of you will merely lose your sparkle, your sense of fun. For in the past, ‘getting one over someone’ was fun, but it is no longer.

“You are a different being. It does not matter if your former targets have changed. For you feel bad even if they have not. You express fewer negative, hurtful comments, for you no longer wish to live in that world.

“Such will not happen in a few minutes or even a few days. Instead, you are shifting in that direction daily. You might still enjoy teasing someone – until you do not. We are merely informing you that new you will have different feelings and actions – from the heart instead of the mind.

“Conversations will likely be confusing for a bit because one of you will speak from your heart and the other from his or her mind. And perhaps those of you speaking from your heart will be hurt until you build your strength in that area. Similar to building your physical body at a gym, your heart instincts will become stronger the more you use them.

“You will find less need to tease, to pretend something is, that is not, to spread ‘little white lies,’ to try to be better than someone. 

“In 3D, better than someone was a key survival element. Beyond 3D, following your heart is the key. You will discover interests and people that speak to your heart regardless of the panache such interests or people might have in the greater society. It will no longer matter if you are the best at something. Interest, not dominance, is new you. Something you will learn throughout 2021.

“You are building your structure on the 2020 foundation you created – a structure right for you and no one else. You are beyond living for others in whatever form that takes. 

“That is not to say you will be isolated for the opposite is true. As you develop and explore numerous interests, you will tap into larger and larger groups of like-minded people. The difference between doing so in 3D and dimensions beyond is you will connect with like-minded and like-hearted others.

“You will have little need to compete, to outshine, to be better than. For your new interactions will be like a giant puzzle in which the pieces lock together easily and effortlessly. You might wish to explore one area of the puzzle for a bit and then move to another, only to return to the first area – or not. And doing so will not reduce your interactions or your love.

“This is a new world dominated by the heart instead of the mind. Your interests will be heart-based instead of mind directed. Eliminating the need for competition, greed, or self-compensation.

“Instead of a tall building of have and have-nots based on greed and better-than as was true in 3D society, your new world is a flat puzzle in which every puzzle piece is equally important and beautiful. So be it. Amen.”

I couldn’t agree more. The 29 December 2020 Full Moon is Bridged (Doubly Trine-Sextiled) by two Energies. One of them can be read as Obedience to Our Own Soul (Lilith [Self-Sovereignty] Conjunct Uranus [the Individual Soul]). The other is quite fascinating – it has to do with Making Abuse and Privilege Sustainable (Conjunction of dwarf planets Ceres [Sustainability] and Nessus [Abuse and Privilege]). Well, how would we do that without yielding the Planet to the Antichrist’s goons? I’ve been thinking of Abuse as the Other Side of Privilege. But the Other Side of Abuse-and-Privilege would be Respect-and-Equality, wouldn’t it! With a Namaste to Brenda for the Insight!

The Full Moon chart also includes Epiphany about our Limiting Beliefs – a Configuration of planets that we interpret as Epiphany (and which we call a Mjölner) because it features the convergence of two Angles (Trioctiles) that combine Adjustment toward Balance (Eighth Harmonic) and Love with Wisdom (Third Harmonic). These Angles converge on the symbol for Unconscious Limiting Beliefs (asteroid Vesta), giving us Insight into a Wise and Loving Rebalancing of our Limitations.

(Mjölner is Norwegian for Thor’s Hammer, which is the usual astroname for this Configuration of two converging “Sesquisquares.” We prefer the Norwegian name because, being a new term, we hope to escape the baggage of Destruction, as Norse Myth often pictures Thor’s Hammer as a Sledgehammer. Shades of Neal Cassady (a parallel story in itself). Hindu Myth includes the same weapon, the Vajra, but it symbolizes Lightning – Illumination – Destruction, yes, of the Ego’s former Limitations. “A vajra [or dorje in Tibetan] is a ritual weapon symbolizing the properties of a diamond [indestructibility] and a thunderbolt [irresistible force] and is the Sanskrit word having both meanings” – Wikipedia.)

Whether it’s a Mjölner, a Vajra, a Dorje. or a Hammer of Thor, the two Trioctiles or Sesquisquares begin at each end of a Challenge, or Square. In the Full Moon chart the Challenge is between the Soul’s Sovereignty (Lilith-Uranus) and Setting Truthful Boundaries (Conjunction of asteroids Veritas [our True Unvarnished Thoughts] and Pallas [Boundaries]). In other words, our Transition from 3D to 5D, from Competition to Cooperation, from Head to Heart, will include getting Clear and Honest about our Boundaries, which could require some possibly-Challenging Rebalancing of our Relationships.

In the chart below, the Trioctiles are drawn in the thinner orange lines…

Note that the asteroid Vesta is Opposed by Neptune, which symbolizes our Relationship to anything larger than our Self, including our Relationship to God/Goddess. Which adds Octiles (Semi-Squares, Eighth Harmonic, symbolizing Adjustment, Rebalancing) between Neptune and the shoulders of what becomes a Mjölner Kite, with Neptune at the Top. Neptune also symbolizes Confusion, but in fact it’s Material Confusion and Spiritual Clarity. So our Spirituality is also being Rebalanced by this process.

It’s important to Remember to Experience Confusion as an Emotion, devoid of grammatical objects and prepositional phrases – it’s not You Confuse me… or I’m Confused by…, it’s I Feel Confused. Period. Locate Confusion in your Body, not in your Thoughts. Be Loving and Gentle with it there in your Body, and don’t let anyone talk you into Attributing it to anything other than a Vibe your Limbic antenna picked up from the Airwaves.

Ego Death and Confidence II

May 1, 2020

Whooo!  The Goddess is still working me over to Clear my Resistance to my PIAVA of the other day to let Her take over that major segment of my Live.  Earlier today I found myself dealing with not just Big-Time Self-Doubt (appropriate for the imminent 2 May 2020 4:20 pm PDT Station of Chariklo [±Self-Confidence]), but with heavy-duty early-Childhood chronic Abandonment Trauma.  Haven’t worked with that so Strikingly in a long while!  We never really finish our Karma, we just get more efficient at being Present with it.

I was in a Zoom meeting today that signed off with a “Inspirational” quote: “No matter how much you push the envelope, it’s still stationery.”  Too True, so given the length of my todo list, let’s dive right into our Dance with our Self-Doubt (Chariklo Station).  Of course it’s also about Self-Confidence, but who’s gonna complain about having too much Self-Confidence?  Well, okay, maybe Evel Knievel, if he ever complained, so it might be a good idea to Hedge our Risks this weekend.

Saturday’s chart features Great Grace directed toward our Health (Cuspal Earth-Air Kite pointing to dwarf planet Varuna [the Life Force] on the Cusp of Leo [Presence]), and Great Grace directed toward Liberation of our Unique Genius (Cuspal Air-Water Kite pointing to dwarf planet Ixion [our Forbidden Genius] and the South Node [our Karma] on the Cusp of Capricorn [Just Fix It, K?]).

That’s a Powerful combination, as it Integrates all four Elements – Spirit, Emotion, Matter, and Mentality (Fire, Water, Earth, Air).  The Health issue is paramount these days, and perhaps even more so the Genius issue, as we’re all going to need that, first to Survive as the World Turns Over, and second to Manifest Collaboration with all of the many Others we’ll be dealing with in the post-Granolavirus World.

However, while Great Grace Abides, we’ll also be Compelled to Pay Close Attention to our Health and our Unique Skills (both Varuna and Ixion-South Node are at the business end of the Goddess’s Index Finger, ie, Yods [Pay Attention!]).  As we’ll Learn later, the overriding Energy here is about Growth in Consciousness (A Parasol, or Quintile and Tridecile Yods [Intense Learning Experience] focused on asteroid Juno [Expansion of Consciousness]).

The Universe will Handle those Energies for us (Grand Trines [Dumb-Luck Grace]), but we also have our Work cut out for us, as Lighting Up our Doubt-Confidence weekend (Chariklo Station) comes with two Major Challenges (T-Squares).  We’ll have to Renegotiate all of our Relationships (T-Square pointing to dwarf planet Haumea [Rebirth] in Libra [Relationship to Other]), and we’ll have to be mindful that we Lovingly Embrace our Transformations (T-Square pointing to asteroid Sappho [Self-Love] in Virgo [Ego Death]).  The Challenges are not Self-Resolving, so we’ll be Working.

There are two other arenas where we need to be very Attentive (foci of Goddess Fingers or Yods), and which Information we’ll need to Weave together the Graces and the Challenges.  The first is Sustainability (dwarf planet Ceres), which is key to using the Grace around our Health (Varuna Kite) to mediate our Self-Love Challenge (Sappho T-Square).  The second is Letting Go of Limitations and Unexamined Judgments that are based on Hidden Fear (dwarf planet Sedna [Converting Fear to Power] Merged with [Conjunct] our Conditioned Reactions [asteroid Karma] and our Ability and Willingness to Consciously End Self-Sabotaging Habits [asteroid Atropos]).

Methinks the Bottom Line of all this Doubt-Confidence (Chariklo Station chart) Complexity is that we may be able to Let Go of Subtle Resistance to Believing in our Heart that what we Intend will actually Manifest.  An Intentional Placebo Effect so to speak.  As we’ve mentioned before, we often combine Theta Healing and Tapping Iteratively to Strive for Manifesting Deep Belief or Confidence of this sort.  The PIAVA process, when done fully, can also make progress toward the same result.  This Deep Belief is the difference between Creating What We Want and Not.

The last Big Issue in the 2 May Doubt-Confidence astroevent is the placement of the symbol for Confidence itself (Chariklo).  It is Merged with the symbols for Expansion (Jupiter), Boundaries (Pallas), and Priorities (Saturn).  That’s a whole lot.  On the one (Ultimate) hand it says that The Most Important Thing is that we Expand our Confidence in our Vulnerability.  Vulnerability is the Perfected form of Boundaries.  Till we get there though, The Most Important Thing is that we Expand our Boundaries to Provide Confidence in our Personal Safety.  Especially if we’re Remembering to Hedge our Risks.

Safety is much Inferior to Vulnerability, but Safety insures that we don’t Overreach for Ascension.  Overreaching can cause the Ego to Overreact, which can create New Limitations that may take us years or Lifetimes to Transcend.  So a Compromise may be the most Practical path, something like The Most Important Thing is that we Learn to Expand our Vulnerability to the point where we have Complete Confidence in our Boundaries.  If we Learn this rather than just Doing it, better yet if we Learn by Doing, then we can continue to Stretch our Vulnerability, which will move us toward 5D.

Here’s the main Chariklo Station chart…

And here’s the Overarching Quintile-Tridecile Yods Parasol chart…

It looks like something Elon might build to Rocket us directly into Expansion of Consciousness (asteroid Juno [Growth in Consciousness] at the focus)!  The base of the central Rocket (Quintile Yod) is the Connection between our Essence (the Sun) and Sustainability (dwarf planet Ceres).  The base of the Stabilizing Wings (Tridecile Yod) is the Link between our Values (Venus) and our Willingness to Surrender into a Whole New Trance (Jupiter-Pluto)Our Plutonic Trance is the Fundamental Unconscious Belief System with which we approach – and Manifest – our Reality.  What we See – and Feel – is What we Believe.  The Fuel that Powers the Rocket is our Belief that the Integrity of Self-Sovereignty (Lilith) Creates Miracles by Removing all need for Victim Postures (Chiron).

The third Chariklo-Station chart is a Mjölnir or Trioctile Yod [Epiphany] to the Jupiter-Chariklo-Pallas-Saturn Stellum…

The Trioctile combines the Eighth Harmonic [Rebalancing] with the Third [Love with Wisdom].  We interpret this Configuration (the Trioctile Yod) as productive of Epiphany because Rebalancing ourself into Love and Wisdom is Ecstatically Life-Changing.  Traditional astrology refers to it as “Thor’s Hammer,” emphasizing Destruction.  We use the Norwegian spelling, Mjölnir, to emphasize its ancient connection to Lightning, EnLightenment, Penetrating all Resistance.  The root of the Nordic Mjölnir is the Vedic Vajra, a Magic Wand that combines the indestructibility of Diamond with the irrestibility of a Thunderbolt, symbolizing Firmness of Spirit and Spiritual Power.

In other words, The Most Important Thing is that we Learn to Expand our Vulnerability to the point where we have Complete Confidence in our Boundaries.  If we Learn this rather than just Doing it, better yet if we Learn by Doing, then we can continue to Stretch our Vulnerability, moving us toward 5D.

I’m not sure we’ve ever talked about Cusps, which Dominate here.  Cusps are like the Changing lines in the I-Ching, Opportunities for New Adventures.  Not to mention all of the New Cycles Beginning (Jupiter-Chariklo, Pallas-Chariklo, Saturn-Chariklo, Pallas-Jupiter, Pallas-Saturn, Karma-Sedna, Atropos-Sedna, Karma-Atropos, South Node-Ixion)!


January 8, 2020

Bob in Australia sends us this note…

“Flash Storm at Uluru

“Uluru said goodbye to 2019 with a severe storm that lashed the nearby town of Yulara with lightning and torrential rain. The weather bureau reported this to be the type of storm that happens twice a century.

Lightning over UluruImage: Damien Hill Photography

“The bolt of lightning has traditionally been a symbol of sudden illumination and the destruction of ignorance.

Lightning Man Injalak Arts

Photo credit: Injalak Arts

“In Aboriginal mythology, the lightning man, who looks like a praying mantis is known as Namarrkon (and other names).  He uses the sun’s power as energy, forming bright arcs of light across each of his shoulders….”

This Energy is what Western Civilization (and Western astrology), worshiping as it does the Ego, misinterprets as Destruction.  It’s astrological symbol is Thor’s Hammer or the Octile Yod, which we call a Mjölnir, preferring the Norwegian name for Thor’s Hammer, because “Thor’s Hammer” is so linked to Violence and Power Over.

We could easily argue that the Main Event here isn’t so much the dreaded 12 January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Merger (The Most Important Thing is our Transformation), but the 10 January Station of Uranus/Soul as it recruits the Power of Saturn-Pluto to support its Descent into Matter (Uranus in Taurus).  In other words, the Reanimation of the Planet and Nature, which is the Most Important Thing we can do to turn around the Neo-Atlantean Self-Destructiveness of Egoic Humans. 

Note that Western Astrology doesn’t actually purport to talk about our external affairs; it talks about our Relationship to External Affairs.  Which is to say, if Hupers Learned to Respect the Consciousness in non-Huper Matter (whether Animated or not) and thus in their mind and Heart Learned to Reanimate the Planet, that in itself would Shift the Planet immensely.

The Eclipse, while it’s near the Degree of Saturn-Pluto, occurs on the day of the Uranus Station.  Which is also the day of the Eris Station, which Reveals That Which Has Been Denied.  Westerners interpret the Descent of Soul into Matter through their training as Christians, but Everything has Consciousness, and just about everything here except Hupers wear their Consciousness Responsibly.

So, what Mjölnir Graces the Uranus Station?  The Station is Trioctile to each end of the Square/Challenge between Truth (asteroid Veritas) and the Merger of Self-Love (asteroid Sappho) with Growth in Consciousness (asteroid Juno).

Edges 5

June 10, 2019

In response to…

“So this week is not about Figuring Out how your Oaths or Limitations are Related to your Abuse or Privilege, it’s about Surrendering your Need to Figure It Out, and Giving In to Mystery.  There’s far more for us to Learn that way.”

Reader and friend Quilless says…

“Good, because I am ‘up to here’ with trying to figure things out.  It’s so flacking exhausting!”

Absolutely!  It’s Lit Up this week, but it makes an indispensable Lifetime Strategy.  Like Nick says about Tapping, “Try It On Everything” where in this case “It” is Giving Anything and Everything To A “Higher Power.”  And our own Unconscious is one of our most Powerful “Higher” Powers – that’s why I persist in refusing to refer to it as Subconscious.

The (not “Our”) Unconscious changes Moment to Moment, because it’s defined as Everything we aren’t Ego-Identified with in this Moment.  It’s “The” and not “Our” because when we are able to reach beyond our Ego-Identification, we don’t just access other parts of ourself, we have access to All The Information In The Universe.

So yes, a very Powerful Habit is Noticing when we’re trying to “Figure It (Anything) Out,” and instead PIAVAing Clarity, or Missing Information, or The Best Outcome for All Concerned, or whatever it is we’re trying to squeeze into the “Left-Brain’s” Limiting Dualities.  We could even PIAVA to “Intuit It Out” instead!

And Quilless bring up an astrotechnical issue as well…

“I am having trouble with finding the trioctile in my program, though.  I used a calculator for (360 / 8) x 3 and got 135, but isn’t that a sesquisquare?  My eyes tell me they are not the same because there are actual sesquisq glyphs on your chart on the orange lines, but we are looking at yellow.  Confused!”

Yes indeed, a Trioctile and a Sesquisquare are the same Animal.  We don’t use the “Sesqui” term because we don’t interpret Octiles as part of the Square family.  Certainly they’re related, but the Square has such a strong reputation as Ongoing Frustration, that we don’t want to pollute the Octile as well.  As you know, since the Fourth Harmonic is about Dominion, we interpret a Square as a Challenge to Adeptness or to Mastery.  The symbol for the Fourth Harmonic is The Emperor, and we choose to interpret that as a Strong and Wise and Empathetic Leader, one that everyone would Trust to solve their disputes and to project equitable policies.

So we reinterpret the Square as a Searching and Fearless Quest (which is after all the Fourth Step in AA) for Understanding and Remediation of the Compulsive Need that’s usually indicated by the focal planet, with help from the other two.  If we can reframe our Squares as Graduate Seminars (there are no Answers, only Better Questions), we can come to Peace and even Excitement about them, because it quiets the Perfectionism and Inferiority that we have painted them with, and allows us to see how we’ve actually made great progress with them over the course of our Lifetime.

In fact, we always try to convince People that their Squares are not their greatest Curse, though until they’re Reframed that’s what they feel like.  Your Squares are actually your greatest areas of Expertise, because you’ve not only eliminated many of the zillions of Strategies that don’t work Perfectly to “Solve” that “Problem,” but you thoroughly understand, through Experience, how and why and when each Strategy doesn’t work, and what’s to be Gained and Learned from using it in which circumstances!  Squares feel like Problems to be Solved, but they aren’t, they’re Issues We’ve Chosen to Study in great Depth and Breadth.

The Octile is a whole ‘nother Animal.  The symbol for the Eighth Harmonic is the Egyptian Goddess Maat, who is in charge of Law, Truth, and Justice (Angeles Arrien, The Tarot Handbook, p.55), and the interpretation is Returning to Balance.  While Resolving a Square by reinterpreting it as a Lifetime Learning assignment might Return us to Balance, that hardly makes an Octile a “Semisquare” or half of a Lifetime Frustration, as Ego astrology would have it.

Now a Trioctile combines the Eighth and Third Harmonics.  The Third Harmonic is the Empress, symbol of Love with Wisdom.  So we end up with Returning to Balance through Love and WisdomCan we think of a more Desirable Strategy?  We abbreviate this interpretation as Insight.

When a third planet sits at the Far Midpoint of a Square, this third planet is Trioctile to both ends of the Square.  Even if we’ve Reframed our Squares as Exciting Explorations, they’re still Difficult, since Squares never get Effortless for us.  So if we can get a Double Insight about them, we’re Golden!

Ego astrology calls this Trioctile Yod Configuration a “Thor’s Hammer,” with all the Marvel-Comics baggage about Destruction.  As we mentioned, we chose a more neutral (because it’s foreign and probably unknown to most English-speakers) Norwegian term for Thor’s Sledge, “Mjölnir.”  I don’t know if Norwegians read Marvel Comics or not, so it may have been better to use the Vedic term Vajra.  At any rate, the interpretation we use for the Mjölnir is Epiphany – Insight Squared.

To better illustrate our new Trioctile Yin Gate, here it is without all of the other lines on the chart, and with the Octile family Angles drawn in purple…

We Recognize a Yin Gate by its Dos Equis.  In general, the meat of any Configuration lies in its Diagonals, but since interpreting all of those is arduous, we can follow our Quincunx Yin Gate precedent and simplify (ie, Surrender our Need to Figure It Out) by just Expecting to be Encountering Paradox around the central Axis – Abuse/Privilege and Oaths/Limitations, or Nessus and Orcus.  That’ll be great Fun to watch for.

And by the way, if we look at a Square as a Bioctile, we would combine the Eighth Harmonic Return to Balance with the Second Harmonic Ritual.  The shortcoming of Ritual is that it’s generally Dualistic, while the Universe is Unitary and Multifarious.  So if one was a wayward Priest or Priestess, and Returning to Balance meant Returning to your Dualistic Vows, then sure, the Challenges of your Square would simply be Temptations to stray.  But if we want to Live in a Dimension higher than 2D, Dualistic Ritual and Returning to Balance are Difficult or even Oxymoronic mates – hence Rudhyar’s original pronouncement that the Square was the Evolutionary Step that Huperity hasn’t Mastered yet.

And yes, Solar Fire uses the standard Sesquisquare symbol (a square with a bent tail) in the background chart, but the Trioctiles that they’re so indicating don’t apply to the particular Degrees that the Nessus Station chart asks us to use: 12 Degrees ± 3 for Nessus et al, and 12+15 or 27 Degrees ± 3 Degrees for the Octiles to the Nessus Degree.  And the Trioctiles that we’re indicating apply to planets that aren’t on the background chart because Solar Fire doesn’t include them in its library of planets.

The Sesquisquares/Trioctiles that Solar Fire did draw, looking just at those in Zodiac-spanning Configurations, make an interesting frosting for our Yin cake…

Again, the Octile family is drawn in purple.  They make a Trioctile Box.  It makes an interesting collection of Energies that we’re tasked with Returning to Balance…

  • Venus, our Inner Female, Values, Heart
  • Mars-North Node, our Willingness to Devote our Actions and Energies toward our Mission
  • Saturn-South Node, our Willingness to Accept that our Unfinished Business is The Most Important Thing going on
  • Ceres, Sustainability

That’s a bundle!  We’re Returning our Gender Identity to Balance, as well as the Sustainability of our Relationship to our Karma (the Octiles), and we can Expect Insights (the Trioctiles) about how Obsolete Values can perpetuate our Karma, and about making our Dedication to our Mission more Sustainable.  Remember that the Other Side of Sustainability is Sustenance, so the last-named may arrive as Insights about what can be eliminated because while it may be Valuable, it isn’t the Core Essence of our Mission.

If we Ask what the Coin is on our Abuse/Privilege Dimension, one excellent candidate is Equality, with Respect thrown in.  So what does today’s news media say about Abuse, Privilege, Equality, Oaths, and Limitations?  A bunch…

“Laura Humpf braced herself for fresh salvos of death threats, rage-soaked slurs and indictments of ‘reverse racism’ from media provocateurs.  The Seattle yoga instructor had endured it before, four years ago, after putting out word about a class for people of color only, at her studio…

“This spring, Humpf publicized an ‘Undoing Whiteness’ yoga class at Rainier Beach Yoga, geared toward white people wishing to ‘unpack the harmful ways white supremacy is embedded’ in their ‘body, mind and heart.’  Along with providing a contemplative space, the class would dissect the ‘pathology of whiteness’ — an obliviousness to the batch of privileges society grants white skin — and how it operates in daily life.”–where-lawmakers-banned-abortion-for-rape-victims–rapists-parental-rights-are-protected/2019/06/09/6d2aa5de-831b-11e9-933d-7501070ee669_story.html

“When a young woman came to the Family Services of North Alabama office last year for help with trauma, saying she had been raped by her step-uncle when she was 15, rape crisis advocate Portia Shepherd heard something that ‘killed me, shocked me.’  The step-uncle, who was getting out of jail after a drug conviction, wanted to be a part of their child’s life.  And in Alabama, the alleged rapist could get custody.”

“The team found that white people and those of other races experience about 17% less air pollution exposure than is caused by their consumption.  But black and Hispanic people inhale 56% and 63% excess exposure, respectively, relative to their consumption.”

“As thousands of Southern Baptists prepare to arrive this week in Birmingham, Ala., for their annual meeting, many have expected for months that it would focus on questions of how to handle sexual abuse and coverups in their own churches.  Moore is expected to be there, sitting on a panel on sexual abuse with several others, including the president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

But in the run-up to the meeting, Moore has become a focus of attention…  many Southern Baptists believe that women should not have authority over men and that by teaching men, let alone ‘preaching,’ they are exerting authority.  So it is rare for Southern Baptist women to preach or teach the Bible in front of men during a traditional Sunday service.”

“In terms of carbon emissions that lead to global warming, there’s probably nothing worse we can do on an individual basis than take an intercontinental flight.  A single round-trip flight between Seattle and, say, Rome, emits about 3.5 tons of CO2 per person — the same as nine months of driving in the average U.S. car, according to the EPA.  The carbon cost of flying is so steep that in Europe it’s led to a new movement that the Swedes call ‘flygskam.’  It translates as ‘flight shame.’  The premise is: fly less, or even, don’t fly at all.”

“Business has profited immeasurably for decades by using cheap plastic packaging, and yet the cost of cleaning up after them has fallen to consumers and local governments.  ‘These are complicated, wicked problems that require very complicated, multi-actor solutions,’ says Christopher Jones, senior lecturer in environmental psychology at the University of Surrey in the UK.  ‘Government can introduce legislation and guidelines that can also affect retailers, so you need retailers onboard as well.  But there is a degree of responsibility on the consumer – if you continue to buy cheap goods that are being sourced in an unsustainable way, then they are going to continue to make them.’ “

The notion that the end user can have any influence on the plastics industry is ridiculous.  When Fascist Governments are unable or unwilling to make laws that protect the Planet because it will impact someone’s profits, only Greed wins.  This is what Government is for, to solve problems that are too big for smaller groups to solve.  When the Fascists control the Government and the media both, the conversation is always Reframed to shift all Responsibility to the People who don’t have the scope to be able to contribute to a real solution.

We should all pile all of our Garbage on the doorsteps of the politicians that we’ve “democratically” elected to solve these kinds of Issues.  That might provide motivation to get them to do their jobs.

Consciousness Expansion II

December 23, 2018

The 23 December (7pm PST) Juno Station (21 Taurus) chart looks like this…

Its main feature is a Grand Cross (the red square), which occurs when four planets are more or less evenly spaced around the Zodiac.  While a Grand Cross is made up of four T-Squares (the four overlapping big red triangles), and a T-Square Challenges us to become Adept at something, a Grand Cross is usually a little easier because, being Balanced, the Lessons usually aren’t as Difficult.  Also, the Challenges are frequent and interrelated, so with additional and more varied practice, we’re likely to become Adept sooner – and particularly Adept at Multi-Tasking.

The four T-Squares here focus on…

  • Eris (Emerging from Denial)
  • Moon-Moira (Learning to Choose our Emotions)
  • Aletheia-Pallas (Accepting the Truth about how well our Boundaries serve us)
  • Pluto-Chariklo (Having to Confront our lack of Self-Confidence)

I’m sure every one of you could write a short play about someone Getting Their Consciousness Expanded (that’s Juno after all) by having to deal with the likes of…

Realizing (Eris) that their Life is being Sabotaged by lack of Self-Confidence (Pluto-Chariklo), Learning to Recognize the Emotions that Trigger their Self-Doubt (Moon-Moira), and Setting Boundaries to Prevent these Emotions from Fragmenting their Personality (Aletheia-Pallas)

…or something like that.  I’m sure most of us could write a short story about when we’ve gone through this process ourselves, which we’ve probably done many times.  Like when the school bully called us names that hurt, and our Mentors encouraged us to find alternatives to running home in tears or taking a swing and getting our ass kicked.

Sticks and stones and all that, pretty fundamental stuff, but I’m sure you can think of far more subtle parallels.  It would Behoove us to think up current situations where Certain Emotions Challenge our Ability to Keep our Act Together, as every astrological adventure is an Opportunity to make Life flow more smoothly, and this one is no exception.  If we could become Conscious of those Emotions and Learn new Responses to them, chances are we wouldn’t just be Expanding our Consciousness, but also Letting Go of our Karma.

For instance, what Triggers Anxiety for us?  Nothing is Manifested into Hardcopy Reality without first being Broadcast as Energy – this is the Power of PIAVAing.  What Anxiety does is Broadcast Fear and Failure.  Without our Conscious Intervention, Fear and Failure could then be Manifest into Form.  We could recast our reading as…

Realizing (Eris) that our Life is being Sabotaged by Anxiety (Pluto-Chariklo), Learning to Recognize the Emotions that Facilitate it (Moon-Moira), and Resolving to Prevent it from Creating our Reality (Aletheia-Pallas)

…by for example, by first Tapping on it ( to Acknowledge it Honestly, and then Focusing on What We Want instead of What We Don’t Want.

Another example…

Suppose we don’t Trust our Instincts (Moon-Moira) to tell us what to Eat, so we set Boundaries against the Truth (Alethiea-Pallas) of our own Instincts (Moon) in order to continue to base our Self-Confidence on our Shoulds (Pluto-Chariklo) – till we Realize (Eris) that it’s not Working

So what would we do next?  We Respond to our Realization and Expand our Consciousness to include new Possibilities.  For instance, if we Lovingly Embrace our Desires when they arise, might we have less Difficulty Moderating them, and perhaps in the process Discover what our Soul Intended to Teach our Ego in the Current Lifetime?

A Trine Bridge (blue lines) shows an Easy Path toward becoming Adept and a Quincunx Bridge (green lines) outlines a Path of Curiosity.  Both are alternatives to following the more-Challenging paths of the Squares (red lines), without abdicating the invaluable Lessons to be Learned from the Challenges.  Same Destination, very Different Routes.

The position of Stationary Juno itself makes a Trine Bridge across the Confidence/Emotion-Choice axis (Pluto/Chariklo-Moon/Moira), and a Quincunx Bridge across the Realizations/Boundaries axis (Eris-(Aletheia/Pallas).  We can Learn faster…

However, most of us are used to thinking of Curiosity as something to Resolve.  “I Wonder What…” or “I Wonder How…” is often an invitation or imperative to do research or to think about what sort of Answer we’d get if it was a Question.  True Curiosity does not seek Satisfaction; it is more than content to remain Curiosity.  Think of it like Awe or Amazement.  Like watching a Bird peck its way out of an Egg, or a Butterfly crawling out of a Chrysalis – literally a Miracle.

You’re wide-eyed and your mouth hangs open, but you don’t try to explain what’s happening or why, or to Generalize it into a Judgment, whether Good or Bad.  What if we Responded with wide eyes and a slack jaw the next time we heard someone insult us.  If they continued to insult us – if we were Safe, of course – we might even have to Laugh.  A friend used to say, “Don’t get Even, get Odd.”

Stationary Juno is also Merged with (Conjunct) asteroid Lachesis, which symbolizes Consciously Changing our Timelines.  For instance, if we were Living a Timeline of being Bullied, and we succeeded in Changing our Response to it, we would be Consciously Ending that Timeline, or at least Beginning to Consciously End it.

There’s another Configuration in the Juno-Station chart, another Mjölnir Kite like we had at the 22 December Full Moon (…

When a planet sits at the Far Midpoint between two other planets that are three Signs apart, a Mjōlnir is formed.  Mjōlnir is Norwegian for “Thor’s Hammer,” the usual name for this Configuration.  We changed it because Thor’s Hammer is often confused with Ultimate Destruction, when actually it’s more about Indestructibility and Instantaneous Precision – not a sledgehammer but Lightning, or Sudden Illumination.  So we associate a Mjōlnir with Epiphanies.  When there’s also a fourth planet at the Near Midpoint, the Mjōlnir becomes a Mjōlnir Kite.

The Mjōlnir Kite reinforces our earlier interpretations of the Juno Station – Epiphanies about our Mission and our Held Emotions (North and South Nodes).  We would normally rather Die than Feel our Held Emotions, as our Experiences in Parallel Lives cause us to strongly associate them with Dying.  But we can’t proceed toward our Mission in the current Lifetime without first Learning to Embrace our Held Emotions.  So the Aletheia-Pallas Conjunction in the Juno-Station Grand Cross is also about Relaxing the Boundaries which keep our Held Emotions at bay.

The Square (red line) in the Mjōlnir is between Neptune (Confusion) and Mercury-Jupiter (Precociousness).  The Juno Station is about Growth in Consciousness, and this Square Illuminates the classic impediment to Growth – regarding Confusion as a sign that we need to struggle mightily to Understand!  Actually, when we Believe we’ve Understood why we’re Confused, we’ve just Quashed our Growth!

Our Concepts about What Is and What Isn’t Possible form a Cage that we’re trapped inside of.  Confusion arises when one of our Limiting Beliefs becomes Open for Questioning.  But if we Intellectualize it (Jupiter-Mercury), we’ll invariably Reinforce our Limiting Concepts, because those are the raw material for our thoughts.  Like Curiosity, we need to Let Confusion Be.  If we regard Confusion as an Emotion, and just Feel it, Embrace it, Enjoy it, our Consciousness will Grow on its own, naturally, without Effort.


July 26, 2018

QuillessBending asks…

“As for the Mjölnir, what is the degree and harmonic of that aspect so we can look for it again?”

Most astrologers call this Configuration a “Thor’s Hammer,” but that term has too much baggage as a force of Destruction.  Mjölnir is just the Norwegian term for the same.  I don’t know whether it carries the same baggage in Norway, but it should be more neutral in English.  As many of you know, almost all Western Languages are descended from Sanskrit, and the Vedic equivalent of the Mjölnir is the Vajra, as the Vedic equivalent of Thor, more or less, is Indra.

Thor’s and Indra’s weapon symbolizes an Indestructible Irresistible Force.  They’re both Thunder Gods, and a constructive (and historically appropriate) interpretation of an Indestructible Irresistible Force is Lightning.  Imagine Feeling your way forward in total darkness, and suddenly having the Landscape illuminated by a bolt of Lightning. 

As Kesey said, “Sometimes you can Trip Out so far that you never get back to know that you left,” and that’s the nature of Epiphany, an Insight you can never unsee, an Indestructible Irresistible Change to your Perspective and as a result, to your Identity.  That’s how we interpret the Mjölnir Configuration.

A Mjölnir occurs when a third planet sits at the Far Midpoint of a Square, when a third planet Trioctiles each end of a Square.  The Square as a Challenge to become Adept, and the Mjölnir as Instant Achievement of that Goal.  So the (purple) Mjölnir in the Eclipse chart…

Points to Venus from the Mars-Uranus Square; if we’re Frustrated by our Resistance (Mars) to the Urging of our Soul (Uranus), we can PIAVA something like “I Wonder how my Values might be keeping me Stuck.”  How do we know when we’re In Resistance (Mars) to the Urging of our Soul (Uranus)?  Easy – when we aren’t in Bliss.

The Trioctile Angle (formerly known by the clumsy term “Sesquisquare”), three eighths of the way ’round the Zodiacal Loop, combines the Third and Eighth Harmonics.  The Eighth Harmonic is about Rebalancing, the Third about Love with Wisdom.  So the Trioctile symbolizes Constructive Insights, and the Mjölnir combines two Trioctiles in service of Resolving the Frustration of a Square.

Like the Yod or Finger of God and the Quintile Yod, the Mjölnir gives us Exact Direction about where to Look to find the Information that will Resolve whatever Doubt or Confusion we may be Feeling.  In this case we have Mars in Aquarius making a Waning Square to Uranus in Taurus, Mjölnired by Venus in Virgo. 

Uranus in Taurus says, “Ready or Not, Soul is Descending into Matter.”  Mars in Aquarius says “But what about all the People who don’t seem to be Ready?”  Mjölnired Venus in Virgo Responds, “Um, where are your Priorities?  You care more about Other People’s Social Comfort than about your own Soul?  Do you suppose it might be Time for some Attitude Adjustment?  What about all of their Abandoned Souls?”

Amazing Things

June 13, 2018

Just a couple of amazing pictures…

The Killer-Whale Volcano eating Huper-dwellings last month.

Neither UFOs (supposedly) nor Witch Doctors, these remarkable People are called “Sprites,” and they’re a kind of Lightning that occurs on the top of Thunderstorms, 30-50 miles high (commercial airliners fly around 7 miles up), rather than on the bottom, Earthly side of the Storms.  Technically they aren’t Lightning per se (which is hot), but a cold plasma thing.  Like Lightning, though, they’re Electrical Discharges.

And one of my favorite psychedelic pictures of Jupiter ([mind]-Expansion) taken by the Earthcraft (not the asteroid) called Juno (the Edges of Consciousness).

Astrobuss veterans know that we like to point out what we call a Mjölnir, which is Norwegian for Hammer of Thor.  While Marvel Comics likes to consider Thor’s Hammer as uncontestably destructive, it’s Deeper Meaning is more about Sudden Illumination – Lightning.  A Mjölnir occurs when a third planet sits at the far Midpoint of a Square…

Here, in today’s New Moon chart (13 June 12:30 pm PDT), we see Jupiter sitting at the Far Midpoint of the Mercury-Chiron Square – perhaps mind-blowing, Healing Epiphanies about Understand the Roots of our Habitual Suffering and Despair. 

Our New Moon Celebrity Pluto-Lilith (Mandatory Self-Sovereignty), Square to Juno-Eris (That Which Has Been Denied, Now Coming Into Consciousness), is also one corner of the base of a second Mjölnir that focuses on dwarf planet Orcus (Oath-Making and -Breaking), indicating that as we come to Understand the Roots of our Habitual Suffering, we may Recall or Recant the Original Oath we made that morphed into the Unconscious Limitations we now Feel as Suffering and Despair.

Eris Initiates a new Cycle with Juno at 9:30 pm PDT 17 June, in 24 Aries.  As we mentioned a few posts back…

“Eris Initiates Juno on 17 June (9:30 pm PDT), halfway between the Makemake Station and the Neptune Station, in 24 Aries – ‘Blown inward by the Wind, the curtains of an Open window take the shape of a Cornucopia.’  That’s an amazing omen, as it indicates a profound Opening of the Natural Mind (Wind) through a gap in the walls of the Concept-Set (Birdcage) through which our Unconscious Beliefs Manifest.  The Juno-Eris Cycle spans five years.”