Down to the Wire

bopal6373bpBoulder Opal

As of this month, we’ve been doing this newsletter, in one form or another, continuously for 25 years.  We started in January 1988 to help folks not personalize the big shifts going on in the Unconscious during the Harmonic Convergence.  Twenty-five years on, our task is merging with the Unconscious, in order to Co-Create a Collaborative future.

Inspired by, here are some interesting extrapolations to help flesh out our Fresh Violets in Ancient Pottery Chiron-Neptune New Paradigm.  For instance, Rocket Mass Stoves…

for heating a house.  Imagine how snug you could make one of these…

Michael Pilarski fathered and fostered the Fairy & Human Relations Congress that’s held annually, usually at Skalitude near Methow, Washington, USofA-

It’s a Native American (Salish) word meaning

When people and nature are in harmony, then magic and beauty are everywhere

Turns out Michael’s been teaching permaculture at – here are his latest endeavors…

Scroll down so you don’t miss

  • KAUAI GATHERING OF THE REALMS: Nature Spirit Communication – A Sharing of Traditions on Kauai in February, and especially

“I pray to the great devas of the radioactive elements, uranium, plutonium and others that they will closely oversee the removal of the Fukushima fuel rods without great release of radioactivity.  Furthermore, I pray that they will closely oversee Fukushima and all the other nuclear power plants until they can be closed and safely dismantled.  I include here all the nuclear weapons on the planet as well.  I appreciate the natural role that the radioactive elements play on the Earth.  It is humans that have concentrated the radioactive elements for their own ends.  May you assume your natural roles and not be allowed to be used for evil purposes or to greatly harm the human race and other species.

I ask my guides to carry this prayer up to the highest levels they can reach and so on until this prayer reaches the ears of the highest devas of the radioactive elements and to the ears of the great deva which overlights all of humanity. I send this prayer also to the ears of the great Overlighting Logos of the planet Earth.  Sanat Kumara, Gaia, [Pi,] or whatever other names may be used for this great Being that ensouls our planet.

Thank you for hearing our prayers. So be it.”

Which is very serious business, as there is potential there for great harm to all of the Creatures that live on this planet.  Michael has a fascinating list of articles on his blog –

While we’re on sort of a Practical Survival bent (think Ceres) here, evidently this fellow was or will be the subject of a National Geographic video…

and some suggestions from Shareables on Urban Survival…

Ceres and Vesta are in Libra – it happens through Community.  In Libra Integrity means Harmony.  The Planet’s changing fast, and we need to change a little faster than that.

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