Abuse Week IV

A visiting Angel disguised as an electroblast from the Sun, over Norway…


We’re now deep in the grip of three separate “Stations,” or times when the influence of a planet is particularly Strong.  The three Stationary planets are

  • Dwarf planet OR10, which doesn’t have an official name yet even after a dozen years since its discovery.  It’s about Intrusive Memories, generally (though not always) what we’re more Comfortable Forgetting.  21 November 2019 (noon PST) in 4 Pisces.
  • Dwarf planet Nessus, which is about Abuse and Privilege.  Abuse occurs only when the Perp feels Privileged, which allows them to regard their Victim as Less Than in some way.  Does Abuse always follow from Privilege?  Not always, but if you want to Learn more about Abuse, start by looking at Privilege.  It might Ask you to reconsider your definition of Abuse – for instance, isn’t Homelessness a direct result of the Privilege embedded in our Culture’s Worship of Hoarding Wealth, which in turn is partially caused by the Abusiveness of our Culture’s Failure to Embrace Unconditional Community?  21 November (4:30 pm PST) in 9 Pisces.
  • Asteroid Atropos, which is about the Ending of TimeLines, where a TimeLine can be a Lifetime, a Habit, a Relationship, a job, a place to Live, or any episode in one’s Life.  Atropos is especially active in Ending Karmic Patterns.  Most of us Experience Karma as if it was Fate, but if we can bring it into Consciousness, we can convert it to Choice instead.  22 November (2pm PST) in 7 Aries.

The Locations of the three Stations, only a few Degrees apart, and their Timing at only one day apart, tell us to Interpret all three as One Energy – we most likely won’t be able to Tell the three Energies apart.  Fortunately, the Energy is overwhelmingly Positive, so set your Intention that any Abuse Memories that arise Are Being Healed and Let Go Of (I avoid the term Release because I don’t want the Unconscious to think I want to Re-new my Lease).

The overall chart is Complex…

…so we’ll break it into more manageable chunks.  Even though it’s benevolent in this case, we’ll stick to our usual habit of starting with the Challenge (T-Square).  This first chunk, below, is not just Self-Resolving (Diamond Square), but also a Dumb-Luck Blessing (Grand Trine).  It’s all about the Life Force (Varuna)

Since Hidden Emotional Gunk underlies most or possibly all Physical Discomfort, if we Allow our Abuse Memories (no matter how we Perceive them) to be about Letting Go, we’re likely to Manifest Significant and potentially Miraculous Physical Healing.  Also, since our Abuse of our Home Planet is the direct result of Denying the Life Force and Consciousness of Earth’s multifarious plenitudes of Non-Human and even Inanimate Denizens, we could see a major Tripping Point in Earth Repair as well

Looks like a spaceship jetting toward Good Health and Vitality (Varuna), don’t it?

The second chunk is about a Huge Leap forward (Diamond Star and Grand Cross) in Grokking what we are actually Capable of Accomplishing (Moon-Juno-Makemake-Sappho) and Taking Responsibility for (Pholus-Quaoar-Ceres-South Node)

Not to mention Abandoning our Victimhood (Atropos-Chiron Opposite the Makemake Stellium).

Which leaves the jumble below, the most coherent piece of which advises us that Facing the Truth about Abuse and Choosing otherwise would be an excellent road for us to follow (Finger of God to Aletheia-Veritas-Sun-Pallas, which Squares the OR10 and Nessus Stations)

Plus the suggestion that, Evoking our Life Mission – without trying to Define It! (Quincunx) – will aid that process greatly (OR10-Nessus Square Aletheia Stellium Quincunx North Node Trine OR10-Nessus Tricolor).

A second suggestion also pops out – that we use Prayer or Intention or Intuition or other process of Focusing on our Desired Outcome (PIAVA – Quincunx) rather than Planning and Executing a Defined Methodology (PDSA or the equivalent) to determine the Actions we’ll take to Abandon our Victimhood (North Node Square Atropos-Chiron Quincunx Mars Trine North Node Tricolor).

Finally, we have a potentially Huge Blessing (Almost Grand-Sextile) which we can put into Action by simply Persisting in our Efforts, and Recognizing that our Journey is a Spiral – when we Return to a Place where we’ve been Before, it’s not an indication that we haven’t made progress, because in the interim We Have Changed.  So even if our Abuse Memories Feel as Painful as before, We Have Become More Conscious, and if we think about it for a moment we’ll Realize that we’re now able to Embrace our Wounded Self more Lovingly than before, and that is a Giant Leap forward (the Vacancy is 6 Virgo, “A merry-go-round”)!

If we can find the time, we’ll flesh these out more in subsequent posts…

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