Fire, Earth & Air 4

Whoa, speaking of the Life Force and Freud’s Death Drive, did I ever get hit today with a slab of the latter!  It wasn’t about “I’d rather Die than Feel that!” but “I’d rather Die than go through that again – Just Shoot Me Now.”  Maybe that’s Depression.  It certainly leaned toward Rage, with Powerlessness added.  The sense that the situation is Intolerable, all Exits are blocked, and just bailing out is the best course, that the Negative Rewards of the current path far outweigh the Positive Possibilities of all of the rest of the Lifetime.

While I’ve thankfully mostly Forgotten, this was a very familiar Emotion from my Childhood, and certainly historically Related to Abuse.  What Triggered the episode was a vivid picture in my Imagination of what the Digital Age will be like if the Present Trends aren’t reversed – Government and Business united with the purpose of harvesting every scrap of joie de vivre from “Commoners” and every scrap of Wealth left in the Commons.  The way ICE has been treating Children, and the Department of Education has been treating Student Loans.

Fortunately, these Varuna-Station Energies are Self-Resolving Challenges, and while the Experience was vivid, it wasn’t all-consuming, and faded in Intensity fairly quickly, especially after I Recovered enough to Remember that the Patriarchy is Dying, and to Poor-Sweetheart my Inner Child.  So it was clearly a Rooting-Out of the dregs of that colossal Victimization Energy that has characterized Colonialism since at least 1492, and other forms of Abuse since Forever.

As we’ve said many times, Karma does not Grasp us, we Grasp Karma.  Every time we Re-Experience our Traumas it is an Opportunity to Let Go of our Attachment to them.  For the first few zillion recurrences, we have so little Chance to Realize and Act.  But eventually comes the Dawn.  And every time any one of us makes the Transition from Victim to Choice, and from Self to Whole, we reinforce the Global Transformation.

Stretching our Sensitivity to five Degrees is perfectly legitimate if we shift our Perspective from What We’re Experiencing to What We’re Initiating, and this is probably never a bad idea.  If we make this shift with the Varuna-Station chart, it includes a Grand Sextile, one of the most Blessed of astrological Configurations…

We add Chiron – Pain and Miracles, certainly Who visited me today.  The Trine (long blue lines) is about “dumb-luck” Blessings, they happen to us, without Invitation.  The Grand Sextile includes two Grand Trines.  But the Sextile (shorter blue lines) is a Blessing that keeps on Giving, once we kick-start it with our own Personal Effort.  A Grand Sextile Energizes a Virtuous Spiral, where one Effort supports all the Others.

The Spokes in this one are…

  • Varuna-North Node… our Mission Energizing and Energized by the Life Force
  • Lachesis… Choosing when to Change Timelines, and Juno, the Meristem of Consciousness
  • Chiron… Self-Empathy
  • South Node… Held Emotions and Hidden Skills
  • Mercury… Intellect/Communication, and Jupiter… Expansion
  • Makemake/Manifestation… Aletheia/Truth… and Pallas/Boundaries

The Meristem is the growing tip of a Plant tissue, comprising the botanical equivalent of Stem Cells.  Imagine these six Energies all Operating Collaboratively and Synergistically in your Life.  While this Configuration will last only several days, nothing prevents us from capturing the Energy and Embedding it into our Life.  Do that with your Intention and Imagination.  It might help spur your Imagination to start with one facet of your Life (such as Health, Freedom, Abundance, whatever you’re working on), but you can do the same with many different facets, and then with your Life As A Whole.

If we don’t “borrow” Chiron by stretching our Sensitivity, the Vacancy in the Almost-Grand-Sextile is 2 Aries, “A comedian reveals human nature.”  Rudhyar’s take is “The capacity to look objectively at oneself and others.”  We need to add “with Levity” – Angels can Fly because they take themselves Lightly.

A final Configuration that we should consider in the Varuna-Station chart is one that we might call a “Cat’s Cradle”…

It consists of four Interlocking Yods (“Pay Attention!”) that Emphasize four of its corners, but more importantly, it’s a nest of four Interlocking Quincunxes.  A Quincunx is the Angle formed when two planets are five (“Quin”) Signs (“unx,” because there are twelve of them) apart.  The Quincunx embodies Curiosity, preferably “Permanent” Curiosity, as in Awe and Wonder.  “Left-brain” Curiosity, the sort that is compelled to Solve the Puzzle, encages the World and Freezes it.  It is Anti-Life.

“Right-brain” Curiosity on the other hand – Awe and Wonder – evokes Spirit.  It Recognizes the Living Mystery and is Humbled before it.  Among Faith, Hope, and Love, the greatest of these is Love.  Why?  Because it eschews Judgment.  Right-brain Curiosity also eschews Judgment.  Love fades when Conclusions replace Curiosity – even when the Conclusions are Positive.

We celebrate Trine Bridges and Quincunx Bridges when they create Easy Paths across a T-Square.  The Diamond Star itself is a T-Square with two Trine Bridges.  Here we have just one Square, but what a Celebration of alternate Easy Paths, practically an inverted geodesic dome!  The Challenge (Square) is presented by the Relationship between…

The Most Important Thing is our Survival Instincts (Saturn-Quaoar)


The Truth Is That We Have Encaged What We Are Capable of Creating (Aletheia-Pallas-Makemake).

My Depressive Life-Suppressing Colonial and Fascist Image of the Digital Age is what I will Manifest if I don’t substitute an Image that Supports Life and Freedom and Empathy and Compassion and Collaboration and Cooperation.  And my Manifestation, in whichever form, will be a tiny but critical piece of the Global Co-Creation.

The Digital Age – which begins in earnest in late 2020 and runs for a Century and a half – begins with the first of seven consecutive Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions in Air Signs.  Jupiter (Expansion) and Saturn (Contraction), both Social planets, govern Economic Activity.  For additional detail see

Prior to the Digital Age, Earth-Sign Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions characterized the Industrial Age that ended in 1980.  Efforts to revive it, with its focus on the manipulation of Matter, are doomed to failure.  In Linear Time its Timeline has Expired. 

A series of 22nd-Century Conjunctions in Water Signs follows the Digital Age.  Like the Bugis, Huper culture may become Water-based, as sea levels rise.  And Economic Activity may revolve around the Scarcity of Fresh Water.

Some relevant perspective from the Sidhe Mariel, in conversation with Huper David Spangler, from Engaging with the Sidhe (p.87-88)…

“Mariel: Joy is part of who we are.  But do you understand and experience it as we do?  Joy for us is not an emotion of happiness but a relationship we have with what might be called the ‘energies of life.’  Joy enhances and at times even makes possible flow and connection…

“It is not something we feel in response to good things happening in our lives.  It is a quality we generate to add to life.  Where there is joy, all other energies flow more gracefully and powerfully.  Thought is enhanced.  Feeling is enhanced.  Presence is enhanced…

“We offer our joy so that you may take it into yourselves and act with greater connectedness and wisdom.  Your challenge is that your connections with the world and with each other are broken.  Joy can help you mend this.

“David: Most people, I think, would look at the state of humanity and of the world and not feel joyous.  In fact, people can get angry with those who feel joy, feeling they are not serious enough or grounded enough.  How can you be joyous, they ask, when there is so much suffering, so much pain, so much anger and evil in the world?

“Mariel: I understand.  But I would simply repeat that this is a mistaken understanding of what joy is.  You confuse it with happiness or pleasure, with things going as you want them to.  It is a reaction.  For us, it is an action.  It is a gift.  It is a flowing out of who we are.  It is a recognition that if we wish life to go smoothly and if we wish to be as connected as possible, we must do something to allow this.  What we do is joy.

“This is not just a Sidhe ability.  It is your ability, too.  It comes from a loving heart.  You need to change your thinking about the nature of joy, and perhaps my words will help in this regard.  We do not wish you to deny or overlook the darkness and brokenness in your world.  Joy isn’t a turning away of your vision to see only what is pleasing and beautiful.  Joy is a power, perhaps second only to love.

“Love defines and shapes the path forward, hope opens the gates to take that path, and joy strengthens and empowers your walking.  None of these things are emotions alone, certainly not in the simple way you define emotions.  They are powers.  They govern how things proceed, how things act.  They affect the probability of connection and the likelihood of graceful flow and exchange.  They make life possible.

“Do not underestimate joy nor deny it in the face of evil.  Joy is the fire of fiery hope; it is the power you need to confront the darkness coming to the surface of your world.  We are joy because we choose to be.  We choose to generate it.  This is a choice you can make, too.  It is a choice not of how you will see your world but of how you will see yourself and your own capabilities.”

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