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We know that Confidence is certainly One Of, if not The, most Attractive quality a Huper can have, and if we track it back to our Critter Ancestors, we can see how it works for, say, Wolverine, as an example. Nobody messes with Wolverine because they know Wolverine never quits. Even Griz knows better than to tangle with Wolverine, because even though Griz is probably Confident that they’d eventually Win, they know the cost would be too great to make it a working Bargain.

As we were saying recently…

You wrote that on the inside of your eyelid, right? That’s Critical for our Social Standing, but as we’re Learning over the next few days, it’s also Critical for Healing, whether we’re Healing Ourself, or Healing Others. We’re looking at the 20 May 2024 Double Amplification of Healing (Isis Out of Bounds and Stationary, UT 22:59) and the 21 May Exaggeration of Confidence and Doubt (Chariklo Stationary, UT 6:41). Eight hours apart, we need to consider this an Amplified Merger of Healing and Confidence.

The Healing-Cubed Energy emphasizes Responding to our Survival Instincts (Isis OOB Stationary Conjunct Pholus and Quaoar). Yes, that’s the astrological Signature of the Global Climate Crisis, but it’s also Personal for each of us – our Focus will be on Healing What Threatens Our Personal Survival. This occurs at 13 Capricorn –

Interesting – I wrote that comment about Personal and Global Survival before I read and summarized Lonsdale’s Degree reading. A second remarkable “Coincidence” – I took a break from writing this, picked up one of the books I’m reading, and opened to this page…

She follows this with a simple but effective exercise for Grounding and Centering ourself. Suzanne refers to our “Sensations, Thoughts, and Feelings” as our “ST..F” – our Stuff. Others have referred to our Sensations, Ideas, and Tensions in a similar fashion.

The chart of the Isis OOB Station is a Self-Resolving Challenge (a Grand Cross) in the Creative Signs, but the Stabilizing Signs contain an Isolated Argument (Opposition), and the Mutating Signs an Isolated Challenge (Square). Our astrological Instructions are to Passively Observe Self-Resolving Challenges (the Grand Cross), but Actively Embrace the Argument and the Challenge as part of our Spiritual Evolution Homework.

The Creative Grand Cross, while Self-Resolving, is too Literal to be valid – the other three corners in addition to Healing Our Response to our Survival Instincts (Isis OOB-Pholus-Quaoar) are The Web of Life (Arachne) as our Model, the Disavowal of Materialism (South Node-Makemake) as our Projected Past, and Active and Passionate Devotion to Our Enlightenment (Mars-Icarus-Salacia OOB-North Node) as our Prescribed Future. We can make it a little less Preachy and more Believable by reinterpreting Disavowal of Materialism as Manifesting the Embrace of Our Held Emotions (Makemake-South Node).

Either way, it’s remarkably Prescriptive. The Isis OOB Stellium in Capricorn says Be Practical about it, but Get It Done! Arachne in Cancer admonishes us that our Nourishing Compassion rarely goes beyond our Species, and too often doesn’t even Extend beyond our Individual Egos. Makemake in Libra suggests Healing our Held Emotions by Mending our Relationships, especially our Relationship with Mother Gaia. And Salacia OOB in Aries makes it crystal clear that this is our Spiritual Assignment!

The Stabilizing Argument and the Evolutionary Challenge are equally Prescriptive. The Argument again Advises that we Use Nature as Our Mirror (Pan…) and Persevere at Revising our Self-Image from <Huper with an Invisible Spirit Tail> to <Soul in a Huper Costume> (…Opposite Sisyphus-Narcissus-Zhulong). For instance, we might Let Go of our Programming that Hupers are Superior to Critters because Hupers have Free Will, and instead Realize that Critters are already Directly Connected to their Spirit while Hupers are still trying to Figure Out what that means!

Critters don’t get stuck on Self-Doubt. You might think that’s a Curse on us, but it’s a Heuristic. The first is the Victim’s Reaction, the latter is the Adept’s Response. Self-Doubt is the Lesson Plan for Connecting to Spirit – as is so often the case, Speedbumps and Roadblocks are the primary Teaching Technique that the Soul uses to try to get the Mundane Ego to Listen Up! Pan in Taurus is Solid as a Rock; the Zhulong Stellium in Scorpio tells us to Go Deep.

The Challenge is equally Transparent – it Prescribes that we Break Our Karmic Habits (Orcus…) of Following the Patriarchy’s Rules (…Square Heracles). A perfect example of Personal Karma Matching Collective Patterns that Lonsdale indicated.

The Chariklo/Confidence Station occurs in 18 Aquarius – Compulsion to Self-Liberation (Lonsdale pp.356-7), which is Home to the Fixed Star Sualocin – Natural Talent (Brady p.130). We’ll look at its chart in the next post.

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