Soulful Full Moon

I’m still behind on paper, still working on the 19-22 January 2023 Moira-Uranus New Moon report, which is important because it’s Impact lasts till the 20 February New Moon. But in Real Life, when the clouds above my skylight parted last night, it became Glaringly Obvious that the 5-6 February Full Moon is upon us! So what’s it about?

First, it Dances with our Soul in quite a Challenging manner (non-Self-Resolving Uranus T-Square to the Full Moon Opposition). The Full Moon itself is at 17 Leo, Irrepresible Emergence of the Underworld. The Sun is at 17 Aquarius, Maintaining the Details of Tradition. Our Tradition is to treat the Underworld this way…

Uranus, though, sits at 90 Degrees from both of them, but at 16 Taurus, The Compulsive Truth of Love. It’s Squeezed between Star Menkar in 15 Taurus, The Repeatedly Erupting Need to Surrender, and 17 Taurus, Eruption of Unconscious Contents. Sounds like David Icke, post-Ayahuasca. If you’ve ever watched much television or studied much History, you know well how brutal and sadistic Hupers can be.

We may have Memories or Dreams or Visions that emulate television in their Brutality and Sadism. We may even have Chosen to Confront some of that when we were in the Lightworker’s Lounge Simulator. Whether from the Simulator or from any sort of Experience that we Identify as Personal, we may have Karma that approaches this. There is no Ego Identity in the Unconscious, it’s Impersonal. Some people consider it to have Three main Realms, the Universal, symbolized by Pluto, the Cultural (by Neptune), and the Individual (by Uranus).

Wait! If the Unconscious is full of Bogeypersons, how can we consider Uranus, the Individual Unconscious, to represent The Soul? You’re thinking of Freud’s Subconscious. That’s the Dungeon where all of our Demons are Chained Up (or were, till this Full Moon, I guess). Jung’s Unconscious is the Dragon’s Lair, where our Lost Treasures are cached – the ones that will make us Whole and take us to 5D – Protected by the Dragon. The costumes and makeup are better there.

The Subconscious and the Unconscious are actually the same place. The only difference is the Perspective of the Observing Ego. Is Thor’s Hammer the Sledge of Destruction? Or is it the Mjölnir – Lightning – of Epiphany and Enlightenment? There’s a pretty Clear and very Traditional Dichotomy at work here, isn’t there – the Famous Dichotomy between Good and Evil. Well, Dichotomies are what Dimensionality? Two? What do we know about 2D? That’s where the Mind Lives, isn’t it. Nature doesn’t Live there, Reality doesn’t Live there.

You aren’t old enough to remember the old Kodak Brownie camera from the 1950s. My first camera. They may have had color film for it, but who could afford that? When we could spare the cash to get a roll developed, we got 2×2 inch (5×5 cm) black and white snapshots. 2 inches, 2 colors (sorta – shades of grey actually), 2D. That’s where Good and Evil Lived, there in the Brownie, and on the couch – and in the 50s. Actually, developers would only develop Good. Evil snapshots got confiscated. You had to go to Polaroid to capture Evil, and that was still originally only Sepia and White. Color TV was still ten years away. You can make Color with 3 pigments, but mixing them together in different combinations and intensities will provide an almost Infinite number of additional Dimensions.

That helps, but to get to Nature or Reality you need to add many more Dimensions, starting with Linear Time. Video simulates Linear Time, and consumes Linear Time to watch, but it still doesn’t do 3D well, or approach all the variations and nuances of Nature or Reality, or even of Huper Culture and Artifacts. All of these considerations are about Separation, a 2D Concept. Language, the Currency of 2D, can describe, usually crudely, many characteristics of 3D and sometimes beyond, but it has precious few words for Unitary. So we have to admit that 2D is woefully Inadequate to capture the Paradoxical way Nature is Multidimensional and Unitary.

The Unconscious is also Multidimensional and Unitary. The Three Realms are marked off just for the convenience of astrologers and psychologists and their Minds. The Three are Irretrievably Interwoven and Entangled. The distinctions between the Realms are pretty Arbitrary. Think of it as a Gigantic Blob floating in Interdimensional Space, like Dark Matter or Dark Energy, obviously Occupying the same space we Live In. The outside of this Unconscious Blob is studded with Rings. Bilbo was trying to find one of them. When we stick a finger into one of the rings on the outside of the Unconscious, it sticks. That’s Karma.

Since the Unconscious is Invisible or Transparent, we can never know the Source of the Karma. All we can do is Notice and Identify (crudely, since it’s multidimensional, but that’s a start) the Pattern of Behaviour that it produces, and Act or Speak Differently, Hoping the Change will impact the Karma broadly – for instance, will Stopping Generational Abuse End the Karma itself, or just our own Ring of it? We don’t know, we just do the best we can, and Assume that we’ll simultaneously Chip Away at the larger Cultural Realm of the Blob. If it helps, we can Assume that the Karma was part of the Original Intelligence of the Universe, put there as a Heuristic or Teaching Device for us demented Hupers.

The Finger of the Goddess, consisting of two planets two Signs apart, with a third planet at their Far Midpoint, five Signs away, making an Acute Triangle or Wedge. Five Signs is called a Quincunx (Latin for “5/12ths”) and indicating Mystery, or Dimensionality higher than 2 or 3. In Nature there are no Contradictions – which are 2D and therefore in the Mind of the Observer – there are only Paradoxes where there appear to be Contradictions, and this is also true of Mystery, the Quincunx, and the Finger of the Goddess. The Finger combines the 5th Harmonic (Learning) with the 12th Harmonic (Pattern-Breaking). We can’t change a Problem using the same Thinking that postulated the Problem, so we have to Learn a New Way to Break the Problem.

The T-Square consists of two planets in Opposition or 6 Signs apart, with a third planet at their Midpoint, three Signs away, making a Right Triangle. Three Signs is one fourth of the Zodiac, hence it’s the 4th Harmonic, signifying Dominion. Western Culture understands only Domination, not Dominion, as the tale of Damocles illustrates. Damocles covets the Emperor’s Luxury, so he asks if he can sit in for a day and Enjoy the Domination. The Emperor says “Sure,” but hangs a Sword over the Throne by a single Horsehair to symbolize the Complexity of the Duties that he must perform to maintain his Dominion. Damocles is Terrified by the implications of Accountability, and Runs Away. The Moon, by the way, symbolizes Accountability.

So the T-Square signifies Mastery through Challenge or Mastery through Adeptitude, which Damocles could have Worked toward had he not Run Away. Now, if we add a Finger of the Goddess to the T-Square, with each of their “third planets” being the same planet, then the base of the T-Square makes a nest of Trines and Sextiles (both of which signify Grace) with the base of the Finger, and this Basket of Grace under the T-Square makes the T-Square Self-Resolving. If it’s hard for you to follow all the triangles, this is all mapped out graphically in the post at Bear with us, we’re making a Point.

If Damocles was in a Self-Resolving Challenge, and had not run, but tried Sitting with his Discomfort (in the sense of Sitting in Meditation), he would have had an Aha! Experience, understood the message, untied the Sword, handed it back to the Emperor, thanked him, and Lived Happily Ever After. In a Self-Resolving Challenge (T-Square plus Finger of the Goddess), the Distressing Patterns we Break by Sitting with the Challenge are Patterns that were ready to Let Go of us, Rings that were ready to Break Open at the slightest Tug, or even On Their Own. (Thanks to Boozilla for the loan of the Patient Bear.)

Earlier we mentioned a Configuration that Ego astrologers refer to as a Thor’s Hammer, as it’s Implications can be troublesome for the Ego. It’s two planets 90 Degrees apart with a third planet halfway between them at their Far Midpoint, 4½ Signs away. The Ego astrologers refer to the 4½-Sign Angle as a Sesqui-Square because what they see is a Challenge similar to a Square (Sesqui means 1½). In Ascension astrology, we see a Trioctile Angle there, because we regard the Octile, the 8th Harmonic (1/8th of the Zodiac or 45 Degrees), as a very legitimate Angle in its own right, meaning Adjustment or Justice.

We refer to the Configuration as a Mjölnir, or Trioctile Yod. That’s just Norwegian for Thor’s Hammer, but the Hammer has so much Destructive Baggage from Hollywood’s interpretations of it, that we needed a more neutral term that emphasized the Lightning aspect of Thor’s Hammer. Lightning, a legitimate meaning of the Hammer in Norse Lore, is just as Destructive, but it’s more Focused, and Illuminates the Situation. So we regard the Octile as meaning Insight, and the Mjölnir as signifying Epiphany. The Trioctile combines the 3rd Harmonic (Love with Wisdom) and the 8th (Adjustment), so Implies Bringing into Balance.

Now, if a T-Square (Challenge) and a Mjölnir (Rebalancing) point to the same planet, then the Challenge is Self-Resolving with a Caveat. We have to do our Work. The Patterns to be Broken will likely be Difficult, such as Rejecting Feelings that We’d Rather Die than Feel. The Angles made between the base of the Mjölnir and the base of the Square, rather than Trines and Sextiles as was the case with the Finger, are Octiles and Trioctiles – Justice and Rebalancing.

There may be Guilt involved with the planets in the Mjölnir, and we may need to Make Amends to bring the Guilt “to Justice.” Often the Amends will need to be make to Ourself, for Abandoning an Inner Child for most of our Life, for instance. Guilt is seldom “Deserved” – it’s usually someone else Blaming us to Protect their own Ego. If it was something “we” did “wrong,” Regret would be more appropriate than Guilt. We put “we” in quotes because if it’s Karmic, it wasn’t even “us” that were involved, “we” weren’t there! “Wrong” is in quotes because it’s a Judgment, a Duality, an Intellectualization, a Thought. We can be Tortured by Thoughts, but not Blamed for them.

We’ll talk about how the Full Moon Triggers Mjölnirs tomorrow.

For now there’s one more Important Issue we need to mention. Karma is By Definition Not Present Moment. It has roots in other Lifetimes. Even if they’re Parallel Lifetimes, they aren’t in Our (Our Ego’s) Present Moment. It’s Effortless to Bring Karma into the Present Moment – all we need to do is Repeat Self-Destructive Habits Mindlessly. Yes, we haven’t traced most of our Karma back to its first Pattern. The Present-Moment Re-Enactment of Karma often starts with one of those Feelings that We’d Rather Die Than Feel.

Each time we Feel that, our Reaction is to Repress it, often before we even Realize we’ve Felt it, because we’ve been Practicing Repression for so long that it’s Automatic. Often it was part of our Programming. We weren’t Allowed to Feel that because our Programmers couldn’t Stand It themselves. So when we begin to Notice a Karmic Pattern beginning to Repeat, we may be Noticing the second or third Pattern in a series. That doesn’t matter. Whatever stage we Notice, that’ll make it easier to trace back to earlier Patterns.

We may be able to get ahead of this process by PIAVAing to know What Came Before the last time this Karma was Triggered? Then we can Notice that Pattern when it reoccurs, to see if it’s part of the Chain of Events and Feelings that lead to Outcomes we don’t Want. If we can be Vigilant about this process, ultimately we can simply Refuse to Cooperate when the Triggers are pulled. Fear is often one of the Feelings that we’d rather Die than Feel. Not all Fear, but Fear of a certain Tone, Fear that Regresses us to Past Deaths or Past Experiences that “we” Experienced as Worse than Death.

Once we Interrupt the Chain of Events and Feelings that lead to Outcomes we don’t Want, it becomes Obvious that Karma is Just a Thought. Like the old Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Thoughts Will Never Hurt Me till we let them lead us down a Train of Karma. From the Perspective of the Octile and Trioctile, every Event and Feeling is a Teacher, and the more Unpleasant it is, the more Important is the Lesson. Blaming the Teacher when we don’t Grok the Lesson helps no one.

Rhodonite (the red, a Manganese Inosilicate with Calcium, Iron, and Magnesium substituting for some of the Manganese; an Inosilicate is one with the Silicate units joined into long chains) and Galena (the silver-black, Lead Sulfate), which “blends the heart pink with the dark root Chakra colors [and] helps a person self-actualize as it increases awareness of dignity, self-respect, and self-regard [and] grounds all these essential awarenesses to a stable foundation. … It is a unique aid to insight as it strengthens the heart connection to the higher self, bridging the intelligence and learning ability of the heart tissue with the higher self while bypassing the brain” (Marquist & Frasl, pp.127-8).

10 Responses to “Soulful Full Moon”

  1. Says:

    I don’t know how you Capture All of the Pictures that occur as thoughts as they develop within my mind, but you somehow manage to set it up clearly in black and white. Oh, actually no! You also include Colors too!! Those always grab my attention, because I love colors! I can understand now, thank you jbuss, just how color makes things fabulous, but the foundation is black and white. We chose what colors we use to layer upon the shades of grey (oh my metaphor makes me laugh as i parallel my home to my interior design career 😂 that universe is a funny one🤩)

  2. Says:

    Songs of the Full Moon:
    Titanium (feat. Sia) by David Guetta
    Followed by:
    As It Was by Harry Styles and Shivers, Ed Sheeran
    (For that come down moment, ya know that one after you realize your not Titanium, Therefore Go back and listen to Titanium, and Do Not play the two follow up songs., they just bring it right back. Ground and Crush and then just Elevate, already!! (😅) 😂
    Just a little music therapy via the Radio that brought my mind back to your post, and found it fitting but not everyone’s cup of tea leaves 🍃 ☺️

  3. Says:

    (Beware of this Leo Fake Trick:

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