Ends and Means

Now that the Life Force has finished “Attacking” us, we can move on to the next Province in Linear Time.  Uranus and Jupiter are Changing Signs, which is a Big Deal we’ll discuss.  But the more obvious astroevent is the 7 November New Moon (8am PST) at the Midpoint of Scorpio.  The Midpoints of the Fixed Signs are often referred to as the “Four Horsepersons of the Apocalypse,” symbolized by the four Royal Stars of Persia. 

The Royal Star associated with the Midpoint of Scorpio is Antares.  Each Royal Star promises Great Success, but each has a major Caveat.  The downfall of Antares is Triggered by getting stuck on the Means and losing sight of the Ends.  The Ends of course are our Missions.  Since our minds are Dual and our Missions multidimensional, we always have a difficult time grokking them.  So we Approximate, aim our Efforts in the closest Direction we can perceive – Consciously or Unconsciously.

If we are True to our Mission, we’ll keep one eye on when our Approximation is Trending away from our Sacred Mission.  If we fail at this, we fall Victim to the Antarean Caveat.  This Attention to the Trend of our Energies and Actions takes a significant amount of Awareness and Sensitivity.  For the next month (till the next New Moon) we need to make this Attention and Sensitivity Priority Number One.

For instance, this blog, which I’ve been doing in one form or another for thirty years, is my Seva.  My Mission has something to do with Transformation and Trance-Re-Formation (North Node Conjunct Pluto), with helping Mother Gaia throw off the yoke of modern Huperity’s failure to Recognize that the rest of Gaia’s Children are Huperity’s Relations.  Or something like that.  My Seva serves that Mission or its Approximation.

For a long time – more than thirty years – I’ve wondered why I’ve never gotten more Recognition for my work using (and, to my mind, improving) astrology.  But today I Realize that astrology is not among my Ends; it’s my Means.  It’s a vehicle through which I pursue my Mission.  Ego wants to be Acknowledged, but if I allowed that to divert my Attention, that would well illustrate the Antarean Caveat.  Today I see how my prenatal contract with my father required him to Program me to Distrust Ego.  Namaste to his Soul.

Invariably, when I see Progress toward Respecting and Reanimating Nature and Mother Gaia and Her Other Children, I’m inspired to Tears of Gratitude.  That’s a pretty reliable signpost pointing toward Mission.  Feeling Good about what I’m doing toward that is Important, because Confidence might Allow me to pursue my Mission more effectively.  But I have to Remember that Confidence is a Means, not an End.  I have to be Alert for situations where Confidence and Feeling Good aren’t Dedicated Fully to my Mission, but pursued for their own sake.

Hmmm, Confidence; where’s Chariklo?  Distrust; where’s Eurydike?  Ego; where’s Nemesis?  These things are actually in the New Moon chart, now that I look at it…

Let’s talk more about this soon.

3 Responses to “Ends and Means”

  1. desmene Says:

    “…The vehicle through which I pursue my Mission.” Remarkable and insightful reframe that I’ll definitely be meditating on as the New Moon passes over my natal Saturn. Thank you, JBuss!

  2. boozilla Says:

    What great and helpful insights – personally *I* think you totally rock and you’ve expanded my understanding and tools tremendously, at a much needed if seemingly never ending juncture. !!

  3. Isaac George Says:

    Loved your sharing with us the core of why you do these posts, and you’re a shining example of living from an authentic and loving place. Thank you!

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