Hope You’re Rested II

Phase I of our current 1-8 September Adventure is the 6 September (4am PDT) Saturn Station in 3 Capricorn.  When Saturn is Lit Up we are advised to Pay Attention to The Most Important Thing.  We might Fear otherwise, but we can Trust that second and subsequent Priorities will wait patiently for the return of our Attention.

Fail to Trust this, and you slide back into the average astrologer’s interpretation of Saturn as Limitation.

Our Local Timing…

  • We expect Saturn to be Strong (Focusing on The Most Important Thing) from about 31 August through 6 September,
  • With overlaps from phase 2 (the Klotho Station, or {The Most Important Thing is} Birthing a New Timeline) around 4 through 7 September,
  • And the Ixion Station (phase 3, {The Most Important Thing is Birthing a New Timeline for} Recovering our Forbidden Genius) about 2 through 8 September.
  • Plus, our next Adventure, Being Fully Responsive to our Survival Instincts (Stations of Pholus and Quaoar) will span approximately 5 through 12 September.

So for the next ten days we end up with something like The Most Important Thing is Birthing a New Timeline for Recovering our Forbidden Genius, which is likely to be Critical for our Survival

The Ascension of Planet Earth, and our Ability and Willingness to Ascend with it, depends on a giant jigsaw puzzle.  Each of us is a key piece in the puzzle.  Without our Wholeness, including our Forbidden Genius, we don’t have the Codes necessary to insert our key piece into the puzzle.  This isn’t Life-or-Death for the Planet; there are margins for error, though we don’t know how big they are.  And at the same time it is Life or Death, for our current Sense of Self, because Rebirthing our Forbidden Genius requires of us an Ego Death.

Meanwhile, Capricorn is about “Just Do It” – get it Done.  It’s a very busy sign, with eight planets there, six times as many as would occur “by chance.”  And three of those are Stationary.  Plus there are three more planets Dancing on the Cusp – and two of those are also Stationary, one on the Galactic Center.  And we’re nowhere near the December Solstice, with its traditional Saturnalia Capricorn Parties.

In case you’ve never heard of it, Saturnalia, which occurred near the December Solstice, was in many ways the Roman equivalent of the German Oktoberfest.  The whole idea was just about the opposite of what we now think of as Capricorn.  The Romans reversed roles, for instance, masters serving servants – not exactly Lawn Order.  It was the Popes that followed who redefined many previously normal things as Evil, creating an additional foundation for your Forbidden Genius, beyond that of the Greek Founders of the Patriarchy.

Here’s the Saturn Station chart…

The Saturn Diamond Star and Grand Trine are drawn in heavy lines.  A T-Square and a Grand Trine pointing at the same planet indicate a relative Balance between Motivation and Grace.  A T-Square and a Yod pointing at the same planet (that is, a Diamond Star) indicate a Self-Resolving Challenge.  So the prognosis is actually quite good that we’ll find the key that will Open the door to the Dragon’s Lair.

All the same, it would behoove us to investigate the Vacancy that would convert the T-Square to a Grand Trine and bring the whole Configuration into greater Balance.  That’s 2 Cancer, “A person on a magic carpet hovers over a large area of land,” Implying that we would be ahead to Broaden our Perspective on what we’re Doing and Why.  It can also Imply the opposite – that our Forbidden Genius may hide in the spaces where we Lack a Broad Perspective.

What is it that Limits the Scope of our Thinking and Feeling?  A moral Lesson perhaps, that we took seriously early in Life, something that we consider to Define Us As A Person?  If you think about the anthem you’d like to see on your gravestone, some Quality that you’ve been Proud to Maintain All Your Life, what would that be?  Who would you be if you Violated that Self-Expectation?  What if that Person was your Forbidden Genius?

If we extend the “Bowl of Grace” underlying the Saturn T-Square to include Mars-Lilith-South Node (which is basically about the places where we Overreached in Support of our Self-Sovereignty and Lost it, like winning a battle but losing the war), we get an Almost-Grand-Sextile, making the Vacancy of that Configuration important.  That’s 3 Sagittarius, “Two people playing chess.”  Interesting, as it sort of echos Mars-Lilith-South Node in suggesting that Force isn’t enough, Politics are also required.

So where in our Life do we “play politics” or “play nice” instead of Forcefully Expressing our True Self?  What would your Forbidden Genius do instead?

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