Full Moon Blessings II

There is a third Diamond Star in the Full Moon chart, this one to the Venus T-Square.  The Bowl of Grace in it consists of the Moon and Saturn-Hylonome.

This is a tightly Integrated series of Gifts, where each Reinforces the Others.

The Vacancy that would create a more-Balanced Grand Cross out of the Venus T-Square is 8 Sagittarius, “Within the depths of the Earth new elements are being formed: The Alchemical Fire that both purifies and transforms the Inner Life.”

Vacancies typically are Energies that we have to provide Consciously, but in this case Goddess Gaia/Pi is doing it for us.  We reinforce the Energy by Paying Attention to it.  In Daniel Scranton’s Arcturian Channeling yesterday…


You are putting an emphasis on the evolution of your consciousness.  Now, this is something that happens naturally, without any intervention on your part.  But when you put an emphasis on it, you are doing more good than you know. 

“You are choosing to live in a reality where the emphasis on the evolution of consciousness is something that is an invitation that is being offered to all beings.  You can live in whatever reality you want to live in, and where you put your emphasis determines which reality you will find yourselves in…

“We just want you all to recognize yourselves as being the creators of the experience that you are having.  It is a much better experience than most of the alternatives that you are faced with, but because you chose to put an emphasis on raising your vibration, being more of who you are, and being of service, that is the reality that you are going to experience as you continue on in this journey.”

And from today’s…


You are breaking free from the chains that you placed upon yourselves before incarnating in this lifetime.  You had to have these chains in place until you were ready to bring yourselves to the fifth dimensional frequency range.

“You knew that there were certain experiences that you had to have this lifetime to set yourselves up for the full integration of all aspects of who you are and who you have been, and now that you have lived those experiences you have much more freedom than you have ever had in any Earthly lifetime.

The chains are no longer there, but the programming still is

The easiest way for you to release yourselves from the programming is to turn off your TVs, your computers, your phones, and all of your devices, get out into nature, and feel for the truth of the high frequency energies that have been competing with that programming for quite some time.  Just as you are free from those chains, you have made yourselves available to these energies, and they have made themselves available to you.

But the lower frequency vibrations of the social programming has been the interference.  It has been keeping you divided.  It has been telling you that you have reason to be afraid, and it has you striving for a level of success that has nothing to do with becoming more of who you are.

The Blessings continue…

Including the Full Moon but not the Nodal Axis, dwarf planet Orcus (Oath-Making and -Breaking), Saturn-Hylonome, and Nessus comprise five of the six points that would Complete a Magnetic Grand Sextile.  The Vacancy that would Complete it is 10 Cancer, “A large Diamond in the first stages of the cutting process.”

Again, our Task is to Pay Attention to the World We Are Creating rather than the one that we want to leave.  As Jewel put it…

“Lend your voices only to sounds of Freedom
No longer lend your strength to that which you wish to be free from”…

Which includes Paying Attention to the fact that we’re still in the “first stages” of Shaping our Diamond.

Not that we aren’t Spectacular and Gorgeous just the way we are, but getting smug when we aren’t finished with our Mission just sets ourself up for unnecessary future Ego Deaths.

While we’re on the subject of Oath-Making and -Breaking (Orcus), we need to point out something that we seldom mention – the short green lines in any chart.  These are the “Unxes” – the seldom-used word Unx means one twelfth of something, and an Unx is a Twelfth-Harmonic Angle, or two planets that are one Sign apart. 

The Twelfth Harmonic is the “Hanging Man,” but he isn’t Hanging by his Fingernails or Neck, rather by his Heels – in order to get a new Perspective on the World and Break Old Patterns.  There are usually a number of Unxes in each chart, and each one Creates an Opportunity to Break Free of our Programming and of the places to which we No Longer want to Lend our Strength.

Let’s look at a few examples…

In addition to the Diamond-Star Trine Bridges, the Full Moon is also Bridged by a Quincunx to asteroid Sappho.  We’d usually focus on PIAVAs that would attempt to preserve the Curiosity inherent in the Quincunx (two planets five Signs apart), because that Natural Curiosity is a red flag indicating a Pattern that we have a current Opportunity to Explore more deeply.

For instance, Moon in Scorpio Quincunx Sappho in Aries.  Marko Pogačnik (Sacred Geography, p.104) suggests…

“To perceive Water Beings [Scorpio] one can use the language of traditional symbols attributed to them.  Standing in front of a water body, imagine that your buttocks are covered with fish scales and your legs are shaped like a movable fish tail.  Then quickly detach yourself from your imagination and open yourself instantly to perception.”

and (p.107)…

“To get a good perception of Fire Beings [Aries], one should concentrate on the warmth and pulsation of the blood within one’s veins – which represents the Fire Element within our body.  Open your perception from there.”

These would both be great PIAVAs.  We could start each of these exercises by briefly calling to mind a current Emotional (Water/Scorpio) or Spiritual (Fire/Aries) Difficulty or Question we have.   Then we could follow with a PIAVA about how they are Related. 

If you’ve ever had a gas stove and flicked water into the flame, you see the flame turn from blue to orange briefly, as the heat cleaves the highly flammable Hydrogen from the other Element in the Water, the Oxygen that Ignition requires.  Water and Fire are not so far apart as one would think.

Emotion can quench Spirit (Water extinguishing Fire), Held Emotions by cutting part of ourself off from the rest of ourself, and Intense Emotion just by demanding our Full Attention and blotting out Spiritual Perspective.  In the former case we’d like to Strive for Wholeness; in the latter we have to Surrender to the Overwhelm for a while in order for the Emotions not to become Held. 

But in appropriate proportions, Spiritual Fire can Break Up the Persistence of Emotions.  In the Wild, we often either processed Emotion quickly, or became someone else’s dinner.  No Blame there, we’re just returning the favor, as so many times Other Beings have become our dinner, and we’re just Giving Back.  Many tuned-in Cultures “bury” their Dead on platforms, so the Nutrients can be directly Recycled by the Critters that the Culture Co-Exists with and Cooperates with to maintain Sustenance.

This is a Waning Quincunx, so beginning to think about Recycling is appropriate.

But let’s look at the Unx half of the Quincunx Bridge – Sun Unx Sappho, Breaking Patterns around, or Gaining New Perspective on, how our Essence and our Self-Love Relate to one another.

A reader today writes…

“The work now becomes ‘growing’ those skills of boundaries, healthy anger, putting True Mission first, finding Right Community and all the rest.  Certainly work of a lifetime!  Plus continual Loving of the parts that still feel Betrayed, Abandoned and Shamed.  I kept wanting Justice, but now I’m just aiming to become aware of, and Love, those sad, angry, and hopeless parts, without changing them into something more ‘acceptable.’ “

Our Essence often Values Justice, but we always need to remind ourself that Nothing Changes Until We Accept It Fully Just As It Is.  It’s not like the Urge for Justice then goes away; it’s that without the Emotional Load (which is usually runoff from some distantly-related Held Emotion) we’re much more Able to Act Effectively to Change the World in (usually small but) Measurable ways.

Our reader continues…

“There is still some difficulty, in that you and many others talk about the thoughts we have as shaping our timelines.  And so I feel uncertain as to how I can welcome these… less pleasant?… manifestations while not having them rule any capability I have to set new directions.”

We don’t talk enough about Cancel-Neutralize-Upgrade, but it’s a very important tool for dealing with unwelcome Thoughts.  The Statement Asks the Universe to Cancel the “Negative” thought we just had, Neutralize the Vibration it has Projected into the Ethers, and Upgrade the Thinker (that be us).  With practice we can build the Habit of issuing this Directive quickly after thoughts that could potentially Create Realities we don’t Want. 

While we’re working to develop that Habit, we can follow the Invitation that the Unconscious has offered through the “Negative” thought – Gestalt immediately springs to mind.  We would not have had that Negative thought (says the Jungian) if it did not have a Positive purpose for our Enlightenment.  So there is a part of us that regards this as Negative, and a part of us for which this is evidently some form of Truth.

We could Tap Out the “Even though I sometimes think [this Negative thought] [Negative Thoughts (in general)], I deeply and completely Love and Accept Myself…”  That could help squelch the thought.  But the Gestalt process could help us Get To The Bottom Of It (which is what Scorpio is all about).  The Negative thought is an Expression of something we actually Want, we’re just in the Habit of Expressing it in Negative terms, probably because someone once told us that What We Want wasn’t Politically Correct.

Fritz (Perls) had us Imagine two chairs.  In one chair would sit the part of us that is in the Habit of reciting this Negative thought, and in the other chair was the part of us that is in the Habit of Judging this particular thought as Negative.  The first assignment is to Discover What the part of us in the Negative chair Wants that will make a Positive contribution to our Lives.

For instance, maybe the part of us in the Negative chair is in the Habit of thinking about Fear of Scarcity.  Well, an obvious possibility could be that what the part of us in the Negative chair really Wants, is Abundance, and it’s trying to urge us to work on Strategies for same.  Maybe.  This is always an “…or something like that” game as Eugene Gendlin would say.  Conclusions are Killers.  Possibilities are Life-Enhancers. 

Or maybe our Negative thought is an Intuition that some element is flawed in the Abundance Strategy that we already have.  Or maybe it’s an Intuition that since our Abundance Strategy is an attempt to Control an Uncertain Future, we should perhaps consider switching to PIAVAs about Future Abundance, where we specify What We Want (Katherine Ponder reminds us that Abundance means Having Enough to Share), Trust that the Universe will Provide that in its own way, and Tap Out the Anxiety underlying our Negativity.

Now of course in the other chair sits our Judgments.  Which is worse relative to the Evolution of our Consciousness – Judgment, or a poorly worded Desire for Abundance (if that’s what it was)?  Do we Judge Judgment?  This may be an Opportunity to Differentiate Blame (assignment of Past Causation) from Response-Ability (attempting to improve Future Outcomes).

You can see the Vast Field of Opportunity Opening up here!  Remember that Growth in Consciousness is not about Discovery; it’s about Differentiation.  The Complete Universe has always been here; there are just parts of it that we haven’t been in the Habit of Differentiating from background “Noise.”  That Bird was in the Bush all along; we just didn’t See it till it moved.  If it was could have been our Dinner and it just flew out of range, Growth in Consciousness – and Survival, might mean Upgrading our Attention and Sensitivity to Shapes and Colors.

For instance, in moment of writer’s block I often play a game of Solitaire on an ancient laptop.  It’s recently gone crazy with its colors, so I now have the Shape of the suits, but not the Colors.  It demands an additional layer of thought, where Habit no longer works, which is a real Pain in the Scales.  It’s Exhausting rather than Relaxing, as Learning often is.  The Universe is trying to tell me something, I have no idea what, but it obviously has to do with Recognizing Shapes.

Some of the Angles in this chart I’ve drawn in with light lines, in order to emphasize the many primary Configurations, but please don’t regard the light lines as less important.

For instance, there are six Fingers of God in the Full Moon chart, each one Asking us to Pay Attention To This!  We’ve already talked about Ceres-North Node, Venus, the Moon, and Saturn-Hylonome.  Hidden in the light lines are additional Fingers of God to Sappho and Orcus.  We’ve talked about both of those, but in the process we haven’t noted the Importance that the Fingers of God add to their Impact.  You might want to reread about them in that Light.

Which leaves the Grand Quintile and it’s other celebrity (in addition to the North Node-Ceres Initiation), the Sedna-Moira Initiation (5:30 pm PDT 27 April).  We’ll write about that soon, but if you want homework, we’ve written about the interaction between Moira and Sedna at https://astrobuss.wordpress.com/2017/08/27/eclipsalypse-iv/.

2 Responses to “Full Moon Blessings II”

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